
发布 2023-10-23 03:50:05 阅读 3721

2011学年第二学期五年级单词银行 (9)


module 3 unit 3 seeing the doctor

words1. 应该should

2. 医院hospital

3. 错误的wrong

4. 咳嗽cough

5. 流感flu

6. 发烧fever

7. 感冒cold

8. 哎哟 ouch

9. 牙疼toothache

10. 胃疼stomachache

11. 腹痛 bellyache

12. 耳朵疼 earache

13. 喉咙疼a sore throat

14. 流鼻涕a running nose

15. 癌症cancer

16. 疾病disease

17. 药(不行数)medicine

18. 药丸pill

19. 药片tablet

20. 胶囊 capsule

21. 其他的,别的else

22. 休息rest

23. 更好的(good, well的比较级)better

24. 不久,很快soon

25. 欢迎 welcome

26. 温暖的warm

27. 牙医dentist

28. 饮料(名词)drink(s)

29. 也too

30. 也(否定句)either

31. 没牙的toothless

32. 国王king

33. 皇后 queen

34. 森林forest(woods)

35. 藏hide

36. 他们自己themselves

37. 秘密的secret

38. 秘书secretary

39. 洞穴c**e

40. 会议meeting

41. 包,袋packet

42. 礼物present

43. 礼物gift

44. 真的(副词)really

45. 受伤,伤害hurt

46. 事情matter

47. 拉pull

48. 推push

49. 成为become

50. 学期term

51. 色拉salad


1. 看医生see the doctor

2. 去医院go to the hospital

3. 你怎么了?what’s wrong with you?

4. 让我看一看let me h**e a look

5. 咳嗽h**e a cough

6. 发烧 h**e a fever

7. 着凉了,感冒了h**e a cold

8. 吃药,服药take some medicine

9. 喝很多水drink a lot of water

10. 好好休息h**e a good rest

11. 休息一下 h**e a break

12. 我知道了。/我明白了。i see.

13. 其他什么 what else

14. (身体)很快好转be better soon

15. 穿暖和的衣服wear warm clothes

16. 去看牙医go to see the dentist

17. 睡觉前吃东西eat before bed

18. 吃太多的糖eat too many sweets

19. 喝太多软饮料drink too many soft drinks

20. 过来吃午餐come and h**e lunch

21. 在牙医(诊所)at the dentist’s

22. 对…有害be bad for your teeth

23. 一天几次how many times a day

24. 在晚上刷牙brush your teeth in the evening

25. 没牙的老虎the toothless tiger

26. 森林之王the king of the forest

27. 把他们自己藏在一个秘密的山洞里hide themselves in a secret c**e

28. 开个会h**e a meeting

29. 一大包糖a large packet of sweets

30. 世界上最好的食物the best food in the world

31. 把老虎的牙全拔了pull out all the tiger’s teeth

32. 担忧worry about

33. 担忧be worried about

34. 成为一只没牙的老虎become a toothless tiger

35. 害怕某物 be afraid of sth.

36. 害怕做某事 be afraid to do sth.


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