
发布 2023-10-29 18:35:10 阅读 3472











) 21. a. we can get fruits from trees.

b. we can make use of water in many ways.

) 22. a. she is three years older than i am.

b. she’s my neighbour.

) 23. a. they are playing hide-and-seek.

b. they hold the trees above the ground.

) 24. a. we are h**ing a birthday party.

b. he is watching a basketball game.

) 25. a. it takes more than four hours by plane.

b. i enjoy tr**elling by train.



) 26. how long does it take to get to new york?

a. more than ten hours by plane.

b. ten hours by plane.

c. more than ten hours by train..

) 27. where does lucy live?

a. in beijing. b. in new york. c. in york.


) 28. what is the man in a t-shirt doing?

a. ****** a phone call. b. waiting for a friend.

c. listening to an *** player.

) 29. what’s the lady doing?

a. reading a book. b. reading a news*****.

c. watching tv.


) 30. how often does sue go to see the animals?

a. every day.

b. every friday.

c. every afternoon.

) 31. what does sue want to be in the future?

a. a diver. b. a driver. c. a writer.


leo’s trip

when to go: 32.

whom to go with: his mother

where to go: canada

how to go: 33.

how long: 34.

32. a. this summer b. holiday c. next summer

33. a. by car b. by plane c. by taxi

34. a. 1 hour b. 5 hours c. 10 hours



a. playing hide-and-seek b. washing clothes

c. watching tv




a. he is washing the clothes.

b. i will be a barber in the future.

c. we can make a bag with the old jacket.

d. trunks hold the trees above the ground.

e. mary is chatting with her friends.

f. they need potatoes, tomatoes, eggs to cook dinner.


a. vehicles b. jobs c. parts of a plant 例:( c ) seed

44. (bus 45. (flower 46. (ship

47. (plane 48. (dentist 49. (root

50. (pilot 51. (stem 52. (barber


i am eight. dan is my cousin. he is eighteen years older than me.

his wife is nancy. he has two lovely children. his daughter is helen, my niece.

his son is fred, my nephew. he is sleeping in her mother’s arm.

53. (dan

54. (helen

55. (fred

56. (nancy


a. we can also get fruits from trees. b. i like trees, too.

c. how can we make use of trees? d. do you like trees?

a: 57.

b: yes, i enjoy walking in a forest.

c: 58trees help us.

a: 59.

b: we can make chairs and tables with the wood.

c: we can build houses.

d: 60第三部分综合运用。


sam sees something growing outside in his yard. “what will this little one grow into?” he wonders.

sam protects the little plant. he puts a little fence around it. the plant needs sunlight and water to grow.

when no rain falls, sam waters it. it’s summer. the plant is growing very fast.

its stems grow long. it gets bigger and bigger. one day, sam sees beautiful yellow flowers on the plant.

“stay away, little dog,” says sam. “these flowers are not for you.” sam is surprised when the yellow flowers turn into small, green pumpkins.

now sam knows what kind of plant it is. the pumpkins grow and turn orange. as each one ripens, sam’s dad cuts it off the plant.

“wow! a lot of seeds inside.”

北京课改版数学 五年级下 期末复习

五年级数学下期末复习 一 计算下面各式的值。二 填空。1 把一张画放在桌子上,翻动一次画面朝下,翻动两次画面朝上,翻动12次画面朝 翻动53次画面朝 2 分母是12的最简真分数有 个,他们的和是 3 一根铁丝长米,比另一根短米,两根铁丝共 米。一根铁丝长米,另一根比它短米,另一根长 米。盒橡皮筋有1...


五年级下学期期末复习。一计算部分。1 口算。2 解方程。3 计算下面各题,能简算的要简算。二 判断对错。1 一个数的约数要比这个数的倍数小。2 至少用8个相同的正方体才能拼成一个较大的正方体。3 一个数能同时被2和3整除,这个数一定能被6整除。4 棱长是6厘米的正方体,它的体积与表面积相等。三 选择...


五年级数学下期末复习 一 计算下面各式的值。二 填空。1 把一张画放在桌子上,翻动一次画面朝下,翻动两次画面朝上,翻动12次画面朝 翻动53次画面朝 2 分母是12的最简真分数有 个,他们的和是 3 一根铁丝长米,比另一根短米,两根铁丝共 米。一根铁丝长米,另一根比它短米,另一根长 米。盒橡皮筋有1...