五年级上册英语1 6单元基础知识汇总 附答案

发布 2023-10-31 21:10:02 阅读 5718


unit 1:what’s he like?

1. 杨老师是什么样的? 他又高又瘦。他也很年轻。

what’s mr young like? he’s tall and thin. he’s young,too.

2. 你的语文老师年纪大吗? 不,她也很慈祥。

is your chinese teacher old? no, he’s kind, too.

3. 吴一凡是什么样的? 他很聪明,他也很有礼貌。

what’s wu yifan like? he’s clever. he’s polite, too.

unit 2:my week

1. 今天星期几? 今天星期一。what day is it today? it’s monday.

2. 在星期三你们上什么课? what do you h**e on wednesdays?

3. 你在周末经常干什么?我经常做作业和看书。

what do you often do on the weekends? i often do homework and read books.

4.在星期日你经常看电视吗? 不,我不看的。

do you often watch tv on sundays? no, i don’t.

unit 3:what would you like?

1. 你想吃什么? 我想吃一些三明治和沙拉。

what would you like to eat? i’d like some sandwiches and salad.

2. 你想喝什么? 我想喝点茶。 what would you like to drink? i’d like some tea.

3. 你最喜欢吃什么食物?我最喜欢吃面条。它们很美味。

what’ your f**ourite food? noodles are my f**ourite food. they’re delicious.

4. 我最喜欢的饮料是牛奶。它又甜又有营养。

my f**ourite drink is milk. it’s sweet and healthy.

unit 4:what can you do?


1.你能干些什么? 我能烹饪和洗衣服。what can you do? i can cook and wash clothes.

2.你能为联欢会做些什么? 我能唱歌和跳舞。

what can you do for the party? i can sing and dance.

3.你会一些武术吗? 是的,我会的。can you do any kung fu? yes, i can.

4.我会打乒乓球,但是,我不会弹琵琶。i can play ping-pong. but i can’t play the pipa.

unit 5:there is a big bed

1. 在房间里有一张大床。there is a big bed in the room.

2. 墙上有什么? 墙上有一张**。what’s on the wall? there is a photo on the wall.

3. 在书桌上有一盆植物吗? 是的。is there a plant on the desk? yes, there is.

4. 在我的书包旁边很多书。there are lots of books beside my bag.

5. 在我们教室前面有一棵大树。there is a big trees in front of our classroom.

unit 6:in a nature park

1. 在公园旁边有一条河流吗? 是的。

is there a river beside the park? yes, there is.

2. 在房子前面有一个湖泊吗? 不,没有的。

is there a lake in front of the house? no, there isn’t.

3. 在村子后面有很多树木。

there are many trees behind the village.

4. 在这条河里有很多鱼吗? 是的。

are there many fish in the river? yes, there are.

5. 在这个自然公园里面有一些高楼吗? 不,没有。

are there any buildings in the nature park? no, there aren’t.


英语五年级上册各单元基础知识 带答案

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