
发布 2023-11-05 08:55:07 阅读 4568

教材目录。unit 1 draw a cat on the roof.在房顶上画一只猫。

unit 2 don’t put your feet on the seat.不要把你的脚放在座位上。

unit 3 there’s a policeman near the post office.在邮局附近有一位警察。unit 4 where were you, mingming?

明明,你在哪?unit 5 who was first?谁是第一?

unit 6 was it in the wardrobe?它在衣柜里吗?

unit 7 when’s your birthday?你生日是在什么时候?unit 8 that’s not mine!那不是我的。

unit 9 benny took my ball.本尼拿了我的球。unit 10 where did you go?你去了哪?

unit 11 what time did you see him?你什么时候看到他了?unit 12 i came by plane.我乘飞机来的。

unit 13 when is yourcountry’s national day?你们国家的国庆节是什么时间?unit 14 peter made a kite with ***** and bamboo.


foot步行outside在…外面post office邮局a strange man一位陌生人a storeroom一间仓库a television一台电视机。

railway station火车站a metre一米near the sofa在沙发附近。

beside a lamp在台灯旁边a ring一个戒指on top of在。。。

in front of the car在汽车前面don’t read in the bed.不要在床上看书。

don’t talk in class.不要在课堂上讲话don’t play on the road .不要在马路上玩。

don’t pick flowers in the park.不要在公园里摘花shopping centre购物中心。



on the roof在房顶上in front of在…前面look for寻找above the tree在树的上方be careful小心by ship乘轮船。


search for…查寻go to…去…on tuesday在星期二。

give..to…把…给…live in居住a pair of scissors一把刀。

in a cafe在咖啡店put..in…把…放进三.规则和不规则动词过去式。注:默写。




1.肯定祈使句:draw a cat on the roof .在屋顶上画一只猫。sit down , please.请坐。2.否定祈使句:

a:don’t put your feet on the seat .不要把脚放在座位上。don’t do this .不要这样做。

don’t talk in class.不要在课堂上讲话。


‘s a policeman near the post office.邮局附近有一个警察。 there any car at the corner?

在角落处有汽车吗?b:yes, there’s a car at the corner.

是的。在角落处有一辆汽车。 were you yesterday?

昨天你/你们在**?b: i was in bed at home.


b:we went to the railway station.我们去了火车站。

was first?谁是第一?b:

peter was first.彼得是第一。

it in the wardrobe?它在衣柜里吗? was .是,是的。 wasn’t.不,它不在。

your birthday?你的生日是什么时候?b:

it’s on the fifth of march.它是在三月五号。 that your pen?

那是你的钢笔吗?b:no,that’s not mine.

不,那不是我的。 the matter?怎么了?

b: tony hit me.托尼打了我。

you help me to look for it?你能帮我找找它吗?

b:ok/of course.好的。

did she do?她做了什么?

b:she threw something.她扔了东西。 did you go?你们去了**?

b:we went to the yuelu mountain.我们去了岳麓山。

time did you see him?你什么时候看见他了?b:

i saw him at 9:15.我在9点15的时候看见他了。

did you come to the school?你是怎样来到学校的。

b: i came by bus.我坐公共汽车来的。


教材目录。unit 1 draw a cat on the roof.在房顶上画一只猫。unit 2 don t put your feet on the seat.不要把你的脚放在座位上。unit 3 there s a policeman near the post office.在邮局附近有一...


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湘少版五年级英语下册复习重点 整理版

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