
发布 2023-12-21 23:55:12 阅读 9444


2.设a.2; b.4; c.6; d.8

3.( a.1 b.-1 c. d.

4.等于( )abcd. 1

c.2e2 d.2e


1.求曲线及y=x-4所围成图形的面积。 2.求曲线y=及y=x所围成图形绕x轴旋转的体积。



1.-“who is he2.-“we’er late. the play has started.”

“i don’t know. you may ask maryi wonder how long ago ”

he is b. who is he c. he is it begin b. it began c. does it begin

3. he asked me had enjoyed b. had i enjoyed c. i enjoyed d. did i enjoyed

4. the teacher asked old was i b. how old i was c. how was

5. i’d like to know how improve the design. a. could ib. i can c. can d. i could

to the time table, the train for beijing at 9:10 from monday to friday.

a. was le**ing b. is le**ing left

proposal at the meeting now is of great importance to our department.

discussed be discussed discussed

when we hurried to the airport the flight was cancelled.

found b. did we find c. which h**e found

9. allan is looking forward tohis american partner at the fair.

a. meet b. meeting met

the time you come to see me next month, imy term *****.

we find c. h**e we foundd. we h**e found

二、填空(每题1分)1. if the were here tomorrow, the problem(solve

wouldn’t h**e been s**ed even if he even if he never(send) to hospital at once.

3. if only i (takeyour advice at that time!

4. we wish that people everywhere (showmore concern for the environment around them.

5. it is a great pity that he (beso stubborn(顽固)


1 、电源和负载的本质区别是:电源是把能量转换成能的设备,负载是把转换成能量的设备。








5、分别用叠加定理和戴维南定理求解图1-34电路中的电流i3。设us1=30v us2=40v r1=4ω r2=5ω r3=2ω。 12分)



单位姓名分数。一 填空题 每题2分,共40分 1 液压泵或马达的排量调节方式有和两种方式。2 最简单的液压系统由组成。3 润滑油最基本的特性是 4 润滑油所要求的重要特性有。5 在机油桶上标有cd 15w 40,其中字母c 表示为 d 表示的等级,w 表示 6 简便的辨别油品好坏的方法是 一看 油品...


2010 2011学年第二学期。10施工 液压传动 期末试卷。姓名分数 一 填空题 每空1分,共20分 1 液压缸是液压系统的装置,它是将能转换为能的装置。2.液压系统除工作介质油液外,一般由和部分组成。3.液压泵是液压系统的装置,它是把电动机或其他原动机输出的 能转换成 能的装置,其作用是向液压系...


1 有一上端封闭 下端开口且插入油中的玻璃管,如图所示。若抽去管中部分空气,使管中油面上升到高于管外油面h 1m处。设油的密度 900kg m3,管外大气压力pa 101325pa,试求管中油面上b点的压力。10分 题12 图所示,液压泵从油箱吸油,吸油管直径d 6cm,流量q 150 l min,...