2024年九年级上册英语期中考试卷 含答案与听力

发布 2023-12-22 23:57:21 阅读 8565




)1. what does mr. black do?

a. he is a he is a shop he is ateacher.

)2. where are they talking?

a. in a in a in a shop.( 3.

where does the woman come from?a. france.

( 4. what does the man want to be now?a.

a a a doctor.( 5. what does miss black ask the boy to do?

a. to read more not to read in to readgood books.

)6. what kind of class does the man prefer?a.

art music class.( 7. which language does mr.

black speak best?a. japanese.

( 8. where does miss smith come from?a.



对话或独白读两遍听第一段材料,回答第9至11小题( )9 . what are they going to do in the evening?

at home.

)10. why don’t they want to h**e sichuan food?a.

it’s it’s too it’s not delicious.( 11. what kind of food are they going to h**e?

a. japanese italian indian food.

听第二段材料,回答第12至14小题( )12. why didn’t lucy go to school?

were ill.

)13. how did she go home yesterday?a.

by by by bike.( 14. who might mr.

smith be?

a. her her her doctor.听第三段材料,回答第15至17小题( )15. what is kathy doing for vacation?

job. ) 16. how does she feel these days?a. tired.

) 17. where is she most probably going on vacation?

听第四段材料,回答第18至20小题( )18. what’s the woman’s new job??a. a a a driver.

)19. when should the woman arrive if the class begins at2:30 pm?

a. 2:30.

)20. how many days will the woman be free every week?a.

two three one day.听第五段材料,回答第16至20小题。

)21. what was the main reason for people to h**e dogs inthe past?

them safe.

)22. who do many people walk with in a park?a.

elephants.( 23. what do young people regard a dog as?

a. a a a teacher.( 24.

what is a dog for a child?

a. a smart a playing a helpfulbrother.

)25. why do old people keep dogs?

a. they regard dogs as their dogs canplay with them.

c. dogs are their friends


从每小题a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案( )26. the best way improveyour english is to __

an english club.

a. joinb. take part inc. jo期中考试卷期中考试卷英语。


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