
发布 2024-01-01 15:55:10 阅读 8140




dd ff gg hh ii jj kk

ll nn ss tt uu yy

二.帮单词宝宝找自己的家。(每小题1分,共 15分)


三.看图,判断对错。对的写( t ),错的写( f )。每小题3分,共15分)

) 1. he’s a doctor.

) 2. look, it’s a dog.

) 3. twelve pandas.

) 4. this is my cat

) 5. she is a nurse.


1. hello, i’msam/school)

2.— how manyone/on)

3.— what’s that? —it’s adesk/down)

4.—where’s the pencil? —i don’tno/know)

5.— is it a blackboardit is. (yes/no)


) 1. how oldyou?

a. amb. isc. are

) 2. ms. smart is my english

a. headb. teacherc. mr li

) 3. -is this your father

a. yes, it is. b. yes, it isn’t c. no, it is.

) 4. -what’sname? -i’m

a. you, sam b. your, sam c. your, sam

) 5. -what’s that

a. this is my mother. b. it’s a book.

c. thank you.

( )6. -here’s your present

a. what’s this? b. hello! c. thank you.


) 1. hello, i’m sama. i don’t know.

) 2. is it a yellow penb. hello, sam.

) 3. where’s the bagc. no, it isn’t.

) 4. how many boysd. it’s a bird.

) 5. what’s thise. eight boys.


) 1. it’s a red chair.

) 2. here is my present.

) 3. this is my grandpa.

) 4. look! i’m nine.

) 5. hello! i’m panpan.

abc d e

八、阅读理解,正确的在括号内写( t ),错误的写( f )。每小题2分,共10分)

this is my family. look! this is my mother.

she is a teacher. this is my father. he is a doctor.

my name is amy. i’m a pupil. i’m nine.

this is my brother, tom. he is seven. i love my family.

) 1. my name is amy.

) 2. my father is a farmer.

) 3. my mother is a teacher.

) 4. i’m a pupil, i’m nine.

) 5. tom is nine, too.



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