
发布 2024-01-16 10:15:14 阅读 1756

2024年广东省广州市中考英语试题 1

2024年广东省茂名市中考英语试题 11

2024年广东省汕头市中考英语试题 22

2024年广东省清远市中考英语试题 35

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2024年广东省肇庆市中考英语试题 54

2024年广东省湛江市中考英语试题 65

(满分l 35分,考试时间l 20分钟)







1. when did the woman get a fever?

a. on wednesday. b. on saturday. c. on sunday.

2. what can we learn from the talk?

a. the woman is seriously ill.

b. many people h**e this illness.

c. the woman works in a school. wm2|9m50


3. what is the talk mainly about?

a. the final exams.

b. how to become a movie star.

c. what to study in the future.

4. what does the boy think of the girl?

a. she is artistic. b. she is shy. c. she is silly.

5. what does the girl like?

a. taking photos. b. being a movie star. c. staying outdoors.


6. where does the talk take place?

a. in an internet cafe. b. in a coffee shop. c. in a computer store.

7. what does the boy want to do?

a. read some e-mails. b. play some games. c. drink a coke.

8. what do we know about the boy?

a. he has finished his school project.

b. he has been to this place before.

c. he doesn't like smoking.


9. which of the following is allowed in the park?

a. diving into the water. b. feeding the ducks. c. fishing in the lake.

10. what is the colour of the road to the ice palace?

a. red. b. green. c. yellow.

11. how long will they stay in the park?

a. 2 hours. b. 3 hours. c. 4 hours.


12. what's the talk mainly about?

a. the girl's family. b. the girl's holiday. c. the islands of greece.

13. what did the girl most often do during the day?

a. sailed a boat. b. went swimming. c. visited museums.

14. which of the following most correctly shows the yearly rainfall (年降雨量) on the island?

15. how do most people move around on the island?

a. by bike. b. by water taxi. c. on foot.


听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填人标号为a~e的空格中。听录音前,你将有l 5秒钟的阅题时间。录音**两遍。你将有80秒钟的作答时间。

christmas shopping list




16. —i hear we'll h**e a new foreign teacher soon. do you know when

sorry, i h**e no idea.

a. he will come b. will he come c. is he coming d. he was coming

17. this is just between you and me. you___tell anyone about this.

a. mustn't b. canc. shouldd. h**e not to

18. last summer i went to lu xun's hometown and visited the house___he was born.

a. that b. therec. whichd. where

19. i'm sorry. i started eating before you got here___j was terribly hungry.

a. sob. since then c. becaused. so that

20. miss green didn't talk much to other people. there was always___a little sad about her.

a. everythingb. anything c. nothingd. something

21. my younger brother couldn't work out the answer and

a. so could i b. nor could i c. so can i d. nor i could

22. though the player is over thirty, he can still run___some younger players.

a. as fast asb. so fast asc. much fast than d. more faster than

23. at the meeting mr. king didn't say a word from beginning to end

a. didn't mr. king b. did hec. did mr. king d. didn't he

24. from that time on mary practised___the piano every day.

a. playsb. playing c. playedd. to play

25. hi mr. smith. i didn't know you were in new york. how long___here?

a. h**e you come b. were youc. h**e you been d. will you come



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