
发布 2024-02-05 14:45:04 阅读 4729

学 年度月。六考。

年试。级卷 英 语



)1 a thank b canc want

)2 a web cent c when

)3 a shine b drink c picnic

)4 a noisy b going c boy

)5 a colab wrong c snow

)6 a duckb module c much

)7 a please b teac weather

)8 a parkb warm c half

)9 a outb around c photo

)10 a whob white c what


a. 选择正确的字母或字母组合完成单词(5分)

)1 hamb___ger a er b ar c ur

)2 enja ay b iy c oy

)3 dolla ar b er c or

)4 dua ck b k c ke

)5 __ink a tr b dr c str

b. 写出下列单词的所要求形式:(10分)

1. do not(缩略形式2. let’s(完全形式。

3. tt(同音单词4. that(对应词。

5. know(不发音字母6. too(双含义。

7. me(主格形式8. look(过去式。

9. eat(现在分词10. sun(形容词。

c. 读一读,找出站错队伍的朋友。(5分)

)1 a hot dog b tea c cola d water

)2 a rain b snow c wind d weather

)3 a sunny b windy c snowy d cloudy

)4 a we b he c they d me

)5 a thursday b monday c week d tuesday


)1 help youa.在那棵树下。

)2 some chicken b.一个好天气。

)3 here you are. c.给你。

)4 a beautiful day d.一些鸡肉。

)5 under that tree e.帮助你。

)6 after dinner f.野餐。

)7 go to bedg.非常有趣。

)8 in this photo h.在这张**里。

)9 very funnyi.**休息。

)10 h**e a picnic j.晚饭之后。





)1 __do you want? i want a hot dog.

a what are b what c what’s

)2 that’s a hot dog. it __good.

a lookb looks c looked

)3 --i want a cola. -a cola __me,too.

a tob forc with

)4two hot dogs and three colas.

a that’s b that are c those are

)5 how __is it? it’s thirteen dollars.

a much b about c many

)6 __are we going to eat? _twelve.

a when, at b what, at c when, on

)7 but it’s __soon.

a going to rain b go to rain c rain

)8 look, it’s __now.

a rain b rains c raining

)9 but the __like it.

a duck b ducks c duckes

)10 we’re going to eat at half __twelve.

a atb inc past


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