
发布 2024-02-10 12:40:03 阅读 7896


时限: 40分钟满分100分)


一、 listen and number.听短文,用数字给下列**按顺序标号。短文读两遍。(10分)

二、 listen and circle.听音选词,把听到的单词圈起来。(10分)

1. floor fork 2. peach picture 3. bowl box 4. many much

red 6. hat hot 7. that this

8. wait what home 10. there where

三、 listen and choose. 听录音,选择最佳的答句,每题读两遍。(10分)

1. (a. they’re on the bed. b. she’s in the room. c. it’s on the bed.

2. (a. it’s black and white. b. a toy panda! c. all right.

3. (a. he likes chinese. b. how are you? c. i’d like a glass of milk.

4. (a. yes, it is. b. yes, she is. c. yes, they are.

5. (a. he’s john. b. no, he isn’t. c. no, she isn’t.

四、listen and write. 听录音,在横线上填上所缺单词,每题读三遍。(10分)

1、welcome to myoh, there are many

2、dinner’s ready. your fork andi can use the

3、h**e someandplease.

4、my___has short orange

5、i h**e a goodshe is a

reading &writing笔试部分(60分)


1、f__ ndly (友好的) 2、__ngl__s__book (英语书) 3、c__ dy (糖果)

4、d__ ver (司机) 5、ph__ e (**) 6、sh__ 鞋) 7、st__ ng (强壮的)

8、f_ _dge(冰箱)9、w__ d__w (窗户) 10、k__ 钥匙)


) old bowl no hotrose nose note not

) apple cake cat blacklike red he get

) eye bed elephant eggbike little kite light

) big fish ice issome tube we bike

) cut bus use butkind dig sit six


)1. where are the teachers?

a. she’s in the classroom. b. he’s in the room. c. they’re in study.

)2. what’s your mother’s job?

a. she’s a teacher. b. he’s a cook. c. my father is a cook.

)3. is this your bathroom?

a. it’s nice. b. no, it isn’t. c. yes, they are.

)4. who is this boy?

a. he’s mike. b. they are my sisters. c. she’s my friend.

)5. can i h**e some ice water?

a. sure. here you are. b. i’d like some water. c. i like it.

)6. my mom __long hair

has b. is c. are

) 7. i h**e some

a. toies b. candys c. candies

) 8. i___like some fish for dinner.

a. am b. can c. would

)9. what’s __name?

a. his b. she c. is

)10. i can see an __and a __on the table.

a. book, egg b. umbrella, peach c. egg,umbrella

四、 补充对话。请把正确句子的字母编号填在横线上。(10分)

amy: 1

mike: guess! 2

amy: i know he’s zhang peng.

mike: you’re right!

amy: let’s go home.

oh, where are my new books?

mike: 3

amy: 4

mike: are they on the chair?

amy: 5thanks.


come and meet my家庭). look! this is my dad and that is my mom.

my父母亲 ) are医生 ).my dad has眼镜)and my mom is安静的)who’s this女孩)she’s my堂姐) she’s going to be a**) she likes蔬菜)very much. and i like牛肉)


一)there are many kinds of fast-food(快餐). they are hamburgers, fried fish(炸鱼),chicken, sandwiches(三明治)and hot dogs. hi!

i’m john. i’m from america. so i like hamburgers and hot dogs very much.

and i’d like some fried fish and sandwiches for my lunch. they’re yummy!


)1. where is john from?

a. he’s from canada. b. he’s from the usa. c. he’s from the uk.

)2. which one(哪一种) is the fast-food?

a. rice and fish b. grapes and eggs c. sandwiches

)3. which one is john’s f**orite(最喜欢的) food?

a. hamburgers b. chicken c. fried fish

)4. what’s for john’s lunch?

a. noodles b. fried fish and sandwiches c. hot dogs

)5. does john like the fast-food?

a. yes, he does. b. he likes chinese food. c. no, he doesn’t.

二)this is my home. it’s very big. we h**e two bedrooms, a living room, two bathrooms, a study and a kitchen.

my bedroom is on the third floor.(3楼)you can see a bed, a desk and a window in it. the living room is on the second floor(2楼), we h**e a green sofa.

i like my nice home.


笔试部分。一 英汉互译。1.看一看 this pair on 2.五只猫 breakfast 3.她的鞋子 the new words 4.一辆新的小汽车9.whose gloves 5.在八点整10.don t worry 二 单项选择。1my pen?it s on the bed.a.what...


一 选择正确的读音打 2 6 12分 摇 y o y o 倦 ju n ju n 施 sh sh 作 zu z u 一 y y 证 zh n zh ng 分 f n f n 形 x ng x n 果 gu g u 二 看拼音,写汉字。20分 t ng y o q ng s ng li hu z j ...


一 积累运用。10 3 5 4 46分 1.看音节写词语,请注意书写规范 美观!10分 c n l n s u su ch ng zh hu d n f l n j m n ji sh n ch mi o hu g n z o 2.给带点的字选择正确的读音,打 分 模样 m m 笼罩 l ng l ...