
发布 2024-05-02 21:35:07 阅读 8357



1、特长表演 20%

演唱英语歌曲或let’s chant/let’s do。内容由学生自定,可事先准备。

2、单词部分 20%

教师准备1-8册的单词卡片,把词汇按类别分成若干组,如:clothes, food, bobby, weather…由学生在各组分别抽读一张单词或词组卡片,共10个。

3、交际提问 20%


1 想知道对方的姓名

2 想知道物品的**

3 想知道物品的颜色

4 想知道现在几点。

5 想知道今天的日期

6 想知道今天的天气

7 想知道电影院在**

8 想了解对方有多高。

9 想知道对方从**来

10 想了解对方周末都干什么

11 想了解对方父亲的工作

12 想了解对方现在正在干什么

4、我问你答 20%


1. how do you go to school ?

2. how he**y are you ?

3. how tall are you?

4. how many people are there in your family? who are they ?

5. how much is it?

6. what’s your hobby ?

7. what’s your father’s hobby?

8. what time is it?

9. what colour is it?

10. what’s the date today?

11. what day is it today?

12. what’s the weather like today?

13. what ’s your mother like?

14. what does your father do ?

15. what’s your f**ourite season ? why ?

16. what did you do yesterday ?

17. what are you going to do this weekend ?

18. what do you do every weekend ?

19. where is the cinema?

20. where did you go on your holiday ?

21. where do you come from?

22. when do you get up?

23. can you swim?

24. did he go camping?

25. does she like chinese?

26. do you go to school by bus?

27. is she tall ?

28. are these books?

5、话题表演 20%

自选一个话题,学生可选择以下两种题型中的一种进行:a. 两人一组编对话表演,每人至少4句;b. 学生个人就话题阐述,至少5句。

校园篇:school class schooldays classroom

地点篇:home park zoo nature park

人物篇:friend teacher family animal

食物篇:fruit food

生活篇:season holiday weekend hobby weather






85-100为a等 ,75-84为b等,60-74为c等, 60以下为d等。


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