2024年六年级英语上册第三次月考试题 川教版含答案

发布 2024-05-03 09:05:10 阅读 2885


i. 听力部分 (总计20分)


( )1.a. library b. toilet c. class

( )2. a. reindeer b. sleigh c. angel

( )3. a. beside b. opposite c. under

( )4. a. study b. kitchen c. bathroom

( )5. a. clown b. witch c. ghost


( )like some juice. b. i’d like some coke.

( )7. a. may i open the windowb. may i close the door?

( )8. a. make the bed, pleaseb. set the table, please.

( )9. a. these are moon cakesb. those are bananas.

( )10. a. they are playing a game. b. they are practicing english.


eating fruite. of course. c. it’s beside my bedroom.

d. they’re ghosts. e. it’s on the first floor.


( )is __years old. a. twelve b. eleven.

( )is in __a. class three,grade six b. class two,grade six

( )18. he likes __best. a. english b. chinese

( )is good ata. playing football b. playing basketball

( )is free and and sunday

写(总计20 分)


21. cc ee 22. hh jj 23. ll mm

24. ss tt 25. xx zz


26. they are made of南瓜).

27. that is a火鸡)

28. may i h**e some牛奶)?

claus comes down the烟囱).

30. we eat in theroom(餐厅) .


﹞ santa drive a bus32. what does mary like doing ?

﹞33. when’s teacher’s day34. what are these?

﹞35. where is the bookshelf?

a. she likes singing. b . it’s on september 10th. c. they’re markers.

d. no,he doesn’te. it’s beside the desk.


一、下面有5组单词,选出下面每组中不属于同类的单词,并将选出的答案番号填在括号里。(5 分)

)36. a. ruler

( )37. a. tigerb. pandac. present

)38. a. winter b. seasonc. summer

)39. a. giveb. greenc. red

)40. a. potatob. lettucec. bell


)41. 你给别人东西时,可以说:

are you are.

)42. 你想知道同桌啥时候起床,可以这样问:

a. when do you get up? b. how do you go home?

)43. 你要问候别人的身体健康情况,应该说:

old are you? are you?

)44. 你到饭店就餐时,服务员经常说:

a.what food can you see? b. can i help you?

)45. 当别人对你说let’s go shopping,你想去应该说:

a. yes,i amb. ok.

三、从a、b两个答案中选出一个可以填入横线上组成正确意思的答案,并将选出的答案填在题前括号内。(10 分)

)46. these oranges.

a. isb. are

)47. 下列两组字母中,没有元音字母的那组是___

a. fgsxjyzb. mnkerbd

)48. 单词 like 中字母“i” 的正确发音是

a. [aib. [i]

)49. there is __elephant in the zoo.

a. ab. an

)50do you like to drink?

a. whenb. what

)51. the boysfootball.

a. playingb. are playing

)52. lily a new dress.

a. wearsb. wear

)53. i get presents christmas.

a. atb. on

)54. they drink coffee .

a. doesn’tb. don’t

)55. what can we h**elunch?

a. tob. for


)56. do mr santa make toys and games ?

a b c )57. charlie is get lucky money.

a bc ) can hear a boy. i can hear he talking.

ab c )59. there are some pineapple.

a b c ) do you do in easter?

a bc 句型转换。 按句子的要求在空白处填上适当的词(共10分)。


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