
发布 2023-10-23 13:20:02 阅读 3345




lost years are worse than lost dollars. (一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。)

二、 语音与拼写。读单词,根据划线部分的字母或字母组合的读音,把方框里的词进行归类,并写在横线上。(8分)

3. read4. wow


) 1. a. tallb. shortc. kindd. thin

) 2. a. fourb. fridayc. wednesday d. tuesday

) 3. a. freshb. fishc .hotd. delicious

) 4. a. music teacher b. chinese teacher c. art teacher young

) 5. a. noodles b. ricec. bread d. food

) 6. a. englishb. mathsc. saturday d. chinese

) 7. a. hungryb. saladc. riced. hamburger

) 8. a. playb. eatc. drink d. old

) 9. a. friendly b. freshc. polite d. kind

) 10. a. theyb. arec. youd. we


)1. h**e english,maths and a computer class

on wednesdays.

h**e english,music and a computer class

on mondays.

h**e english,music and a computer class on wednesdays.

) 2. fang is our teacher.

she is young and funny.

green is our teacher.

he’s old,but he is funny

is our teacher. he is strict.

) science teacher is an old wears glasses.

he is strict.

english teacher is short and strong.

he’s really funny.

music teacher is a young tall and thin.

)4. like some fish,salad and tea.

like some salad,a sandwish and an ice cream.

like some salad,an ice cream and a hamburger.


) 1.--what’s your teacher like?

likes football. is very funny. like him very much.

) is very___he likes reading books.


) you often watch __at home?

a. tvb. your clothesc. books

) listen to music on the weekend.

a. likeb.

) 5.--what would you like to drink?

i’d like some __

) 6.--i’m hungry now.

--please h**e some __

juice ) 7. -what’s your f**ourite food?

a. thirstyb. strictc. delicious

) 8. -what do you h**e __mondays?

i h**e chinese and music.

forc. in

) old.

a. am,are,areb. is,is,isc. am,is,are

) 10. i want two __

a. bananasb. sandwichesc. sandwichs


) 1. who is your chinese teachera. i often read books.

) 2. what is your maths teacher likeb. ice cream.

) 3. what do you h**e on tuesdaysc. maths and chinese.

) 4. what’s your f**ourite foodd. yes,i do.

) 5. do you often read books at home? e. tall and funny.

) 6. what do you often do at homef. no,he isn’ strict.

) 7. is he quietg. mr li.

) 8. what would you like to eath. i’d like a sandwich,please.


a:jack,can i interview(采访) you for the school news*****(报纸)?

b: certainly.

a:_ 1b:i often play sports.

a:_ 2b:yes,i like playing ping-pong.

a:who’s your pe teacher?

b: _3a:what’s he like?

b:_ 4a:what’s your f**ourite food?

b:_ 5a:you looks strong and healthy.

b:thank you.

a:you’re welcome.


there is a big party for zebra’s f**ourite fruit is are his friends do not like are smelly(有味的)!bananas are miss pig’s f**ourite are tiger’s f**ourite drink is orange lion’s f**ourite food is beef,but today they do not h**e any beef h**e a big dinner!

) 1. watermelons are mr zebra’s f**ourite fruit

) 2. all the animals like onions,and they are fresh.

) 3. bananas are miss pig’s f**ourite fruit,and they are delicious.

五年级语文 4

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