
发布 2023-10-27 12:45:03 阅读 3033






) 1. a. skate b. ski c. skirt

) 2. a. friend b. fridge c. free

) 3. a. slide b. swing c. student

) 4. a. white b. window c. with

) 5. a. waiter b. waitress c. worker


) 6. is that man a doctor?

a. yes, he is.

b. yes, she is.

c. she’s a policeman.

)7. how much are the peaches?

a. it’s two.

b. two kilos.

c. two yuan.

)8. who’s the girl behind the tree?

a. the one with a big nose.

b. she’s yang ling.

c. yes, she is.

) 9. how many classrooms are there in this building?

a. yes, there is.

b. no, there aren’t.

c. sorry, we don’t know.

) 10. what does tom like?

a. he likes ****** model planes.

b. he likes ****** model buses.

c. he likes ****** model trains.


) 11. what’s on the playground?

a. a tall tree.


c. some flowers.

) 12. what’ s under the tree?.

a. there is a cat.

b. there are some sweaters.

c. there are some coats.

) 13. what’s behind the tree?

a. a white dog.

b. a white cat.

c. some birds

) 14. what are the children doing?

a. they are sleeping.

b. they are reading.

c. they are playing football.

) 15. is the dog lovely?

a. yes, it is.

b. no, it isn’t.

c. we don’t know.



)16. dance a. h**e b. lamp c. after

)17. he a. we b. bed c. desk

)18. masks a. umbrellas b. cats c. cakes

)19. mouth a. thank b. brother c. that

)20. on a. hot b. no c. old


)21. -shall we go and play football?

a. nob. good idea c. please don’t

)228 plus 4?

it’s 12.

a. what’s b. how’s c. who’s

) 23. -is there a zoo near your school?

yes, there’s a big __

a. itb. one c. /

) 24. -do you like

yes, i do.

a. apple b. apples c. some apples

) 25. -how is your father?

he’s __

a. thirty b. fine c. over there

) 26. -can you

no, i __

a. skate, can b. skate, can’t c. skating, can

) 27. how many flowersin the garden?

a. is there b. there are c. are there

)28can make a model plane?

tom can.

a. what b. who c. how

) 29what’s the time?

it’s six.

a. excuse me b. sorry c. hello

) 30. -are you new doctors?

yesa. i amb. we’re c. we are

)31. -are there any reading rooms in the building?

a. yes, there are. b. yes, they are. c. no, there isn’t.

)32. it’s three o’clock __the afternoon.

a. atb. inc. on

)33. lily can dance, _yang ling can’t

a. andb. orc. but

)34. i want to a teacher when i am twenty years old..

a.beb. h**ec. can

)35. don’tthe fridge andon the light please.

a.open, open b. turn on, open c. open, turn


) 36. there aren’t any umbrella behind the door

a b c ) 37. is there any reading rooms in the building ?

abc ) 38. how much toilets are there in the park ?

a b c

) 39. what’s his job? his a cook

a b c ) 40. what’s can you do? i can dance.

a bc ) 41. what in the classroom? there are some desks.

ab c 七、根据短文内容,联系上下文,选出一个最佳答案,并将其序号填在题前的括号内。(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分)


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2014 年春季下册模拟题 一 五年级科学。一 填空。8分 1 物体在水中的沉浮与构成它们的 和有关。2 根据单摆的 人们制成了摆钟,使时间的计量误差更小。3 在阳光下物体影子的 和 会慢慢的变化。4 极昼和极夜现象与地球公转 自转和有关。5 许多物体在受热时受冷时我们把这种体积的变化叫做热胀冷缩。...


1.两个自然数的和是15,要使两个整数的乘积最大,这两个整数分别是。2.某镇街道分布如右图,一个居民要从a处前往b处。如果规定只能走从左到右或从上到下的方向,那么该居民可选择的不同路线共有 条。3.某偶数n的各位数字的和是50。n最小是。4.我们把形如的四位数称为 对称数 如1991,2002等。在...