
发布 2023-10-28 02:15:14 阅读 8971





四课之后的try yourself 板块承担了经典阅读、自我测评、学习策略引领的功能,供学生自学使用。具体每单元的话题和功能如下:


unit 1teachers’ day 谈论人物外貌及性格特征。

unit 2feelings谈论及描述自己或他人的心情感受。

unit 3birthday谈论生日相关事项:月份,活动;用过去时描述活动。

unit 4school in canada 谈论加拿大学校课程和课外活动,描述校貌,介绍加拿大学校和中国学校之间的不同。

unit 5sports谈论运动及描述比赛过程。

unit 6christmas谈论圣诞节的风俗习惯。

unit 7spring festival 谈论春节习俗及人们的活动。


1. 知识目标:



unit 1: who's your f**ourite teacher? she's young.

she has long hair. she was young. her hair was short.

they were active in class. now they are tall and beautiful.

unit 2: what’s danny doing? he’s dancing in the rain.

he’s excited. were you happy? yes, i was.

was he happy? yes, he was. no, he wasn’t.

he was sad. wang hong is worried.

unit 3: when is your birthday? it’s in march.

happy birthday. h**e some cake, please. she had a birthday party.

they sang, danced and played games.

unit 4: what subjects does she h**e? she has reading and science.

what does she do after school? she watches films. what’s the school like?

there is an old building in my school. there are twenty pupils in my class. some are ****** things.

some are telling stories.

unit 5: what club would you like to join? i’d like to join the swimming club.

i like swimming. what's li ming doing? he’s playing basketball.

he plays well. he jumps high. what did li ming and danny do yesterday?

they played football. their class had a football match with class one.

unit 6: what do you usually do at christmas? the family get together.

let’s decorate the christmas tree. what will you do? i will put the lights on the tree.

jenny got a nice dress. li ming got a book about animals. danny got a football.

unit 7: what do you usually do at spring festival? we visit relatives and friends.

did you visit your relatives? yes, we did. no, we didn’t.

they will say ‘happy spring festival’!

初步了解字母x,y,z和字母组合gr, tr, ea, fr, ts, oa, sk, st, oo, ch, sh, th, ou, ng, wh, ar在单词中的发音规律。

2. 技能目标:




3. 情感目标:


4. 语用目标:

unit 1: 会向他人介绍自己喜欢的老师的外貌和性格特征。

unit 2: 会描述自己或他人的心情感受。

unit 3:会描述自己或他人生日的相关活动。

unit 4:会谈论学校的课程、课外活动和学校样貌。

unit 5: 会谈论想加入的学校运动俱乐部,会介绍一场球赛的比赛过程。

unit 6:会交流如何度过圣诞节。

unit 7: 会谈论如何度过春节及春节打算。

5. 文化意识目标:




难点:1 动词过去时的理解和运用。

2 there is/ there are 结构的单复数的区别运用。

3 will 表达将要做的事情。




3. 坚持整体教学与分层教学相结合,加强课后辅导,特别要注意对学习后进的学生所取得的进步及时给予表扬。让进步的同学体会到成就感,让落后的同学找出差距,及时改进。


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