2023年新版人教版五年级上册英语教案 Unit

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人教版五年级上册英语教案:unit3《what's yourf**orite food》





2、能够在情景中运用句型what would you like to eat / drink ? idlike询问并回答自己想吃什么、喝什么。

教学过程。step 1 greetings and warming up



t:what would you like to eat ?

s: id like

step 2 presentation


教师做出饥饿的表情).lets go to my kitchen. i h**e a lot of food and drink!

what canyou seein my kitchen?教授句型并让学生表达:i am hungry. id like___


教授句型并让学生表达:im thirsty. id like


t:sarah is hungry(教师做出饥饿的表情).what would she like toeat ?

now,lets listen tothe tape.

3、play lets try. students finish the sentence.

填空:she would like some __and __

4、t:sarahs father is hungry and thirsty. what would he like to eatand drink?

now,lets listen to the tape.


1.)what would sarahs father like to eat ?

what would sarahs father like to drink?

5、after listen tothe tape,student discuss the questions in group.

6、students listenand follow the tape.

7、students actout the dialogue.

step 3 consolidation

play:让学生仿照lets talk重新编写对话,四人一组练习。

2.创设情景:和朋友一起去吃自助餐,用what would you like toeat ?和。

what would you like to drink ?相互询问,表演对话。

step 4 homework.

step 5 board writing

unit 3 what would you likea lets talk

im hungry. id like

im thirsty. id like some

what would you like to eat ?

id like

what would you like to drink?

id like


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