五年级上Unit1AReadandwrite 1

发布 2023-11-01 17:18:28 阅读 7780

unit 1 what’s he like ?

let’s spell 教学设计。



能够听说读写who’s your enlish teacher ?

mr carter.

what’s he like? he’s tall and strong。

教具准备:点读机, 多**课件,课堂练习题。

教学过程:step1. show the subject and the aims.

1. greetings.

2. show the subject and learning aims.

t: boys and girls, today we’re going to learn read and write on page6 .(板书),here are our learning aims:

please read it。(利用投影出示学习目标)

step 2 .presentation.出示自学指导:


1. read the dialog by yourself for 2 minutes。2分钟自读对话(大声朗读,若有疑问,请用红笔标注出来,读对话时,用手指着对话,正确坐姿) 。


many new teachers does zhang peng h**e ?(

a .twob. three

2. what’s zhang peng’s english teacher like

a. he’s tall and strong. b. he’s short and thin.

tim’s father ?(

a .mr carterb. mr hu


please listen to the tape and repeat。


step 3. guide 3 practice。(自学指导三)

1. read the dialog for 4 minutes .try to understand the meaning 。


learning tip (学习方法小提示):在阅读时如需要寻找细节信息,应该放慢阅读速度,在找到的关键信息处划线或做标记。

step 4. guide 4 consolidation(自学指导4)

read the dialog in pairs for 5 minutes , 5 minutes later, we’ll h**e a match.两人一组读对话分钟,5分钟后,比一比谁读得准确)

2。h**e a match。


当堂训练)please ask and answer 。


4。please write the key sentences carefully。(请认真书写重点句子。)

step 5. do exercises(练习)


step 1.仔细读两遍对话。

板书设计。unit 1 let’s spell

funny baby windy candy many sunny



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