
发布 2023-10-23 07:35:06 阅读 1712

unit 4 what can you do ?说课稿。

知识目标:1.学生能够灵活运用句型“what can you do?

i can ..询问他人和表达自己的能力。2.

学生能够听、说、读、写:sing , song ,sing english songs , dance , play the pipa , dokung fu , draw cartoons表达他人及自己的能力。能力目标:

1.学生能够听懂、会唱chant,以及完成“do a survey”的对话任务。2.学生能大胆快口说英语。


教学重点:听、说、读、写:sing , song ,sing english songs , dance , play the pipa , do kungfu , draw cartoons。

并灵活运用句型“what can you do?i can ..教学难点:

熟练运用新学词汇和句型:“what can youdo?i can ..


step 1 . warming up & review(五分钟)1. free talk .2. sing a chant .

t: please stand up ! listen to me ,.

sing a song after me and do the actions. here we go !(设计意图:

通过chant形式复习已学过的动词,激发学生学习兴趣,调动课堂气氛。唱完之后引出课题,并领读一遍。)step 2 .

presentationa .let’s learn

1 )教师唱几句英文歌,让学生猜:what can i do ?

t:would you want to know more about me ? listen and guess what can i do .s1:..

t:yes , i can sing english songs .

学习词组sing english songs。教师板书,领读,分组读。

2 )教师在黑板拿上画一幅海绵宝宝简笔画,学生可以猜出是draw的动作。t:what can i draw ?ss:海绵宝宝。

t:very good !海绵宝宝is a cartoon .

**画)引出cartoon和draw cartoons。t:i can sing english songs and draw cartoons.

but i don’t know what can you do .s1: i can ..

s2: i can ..

引出句型“what can you do?i can ..

3 )教师**一段跳舞**,让学生猜一猜。由此引出dance。t: what can they do ?t:what can you do ?

4 )教师**一段琵琶弹奏的**,学习play the pipa。t: what’s this ?

s: .t:

yes!it’s a pipa . play the pipa , i can play the pipa .

(做弹琵琶动作,总结:play + the +乐器名称;play +球类名称)

5 )教师做出示一张成龙**,问学生:who is he? what can he do?引出dokung fu .

t:i can do some kungfu . what can you do ?step 3 . practice( 1 )i do you say .

教师先做动作,学生猜单词或词组。接着请几名学生上台表演。( 2 )找单词或词组游戏。

教师把单词卡藏在某一学生的桌子里,请一学生随着全班的声音大小去寻找,最后用: whatcan you do ?来问持有单词卡的学生。

这名学生用:i can ..来回答。

step 4 . consolidation1、do a survey

t: i’ll h**e a birthday party .would you come to my party?

let’s do a survey !以小组为单位,各选一名组长调查其他成员的特长,以pair work形式汇报结果。s1:

what can you do ?s2: i can ..

2、教师询问一名学生会做什么,接着问另一名学生:what can she/he do ?(扩展she/he can ..

让学生可以进行任称替换。)step 5 . summing up1.


2.学生总结之后,回到课文读单词和句子。step 6 . homework

1. copy the new words and phrases for six times , and repeat them .2.

ask what your friends can do .


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