新课标英语 2019版 八上第一单元学案

发布 2023-12-24 20:55:12 阅读 5994

note for unit 1

1 long time no see 好久不见。

2 quite a few 不少、许多。

there are quite a few flowers on the ground. 地上有不少花。

3 most of the time 大部分时间。

4 do something special 做些特别的事情。

h**e nothing interesting to do没什么有趣的事情做。

go somewhere quiet and beautiful 去安静、美丽的地方。


i will go somewhere relaxing next vacation. 下个假期我将去个令人放松的地方。

5 seem +形容词 / seem to do sth / it seems that… 好像,似乎,看起来。。。

she seems better today. 她今天看起来好多了。

i seem to see someone going into my house. 我好像看见有人走近我的家。

it seems that we h**e less free time now. 好像现在我们有更少的空闲时间。

6 bored 乏味的,烦闷的,表示人的感觉;


it’s a boring film, he feels bored. 电影很烦闷,他感到很无聊。

he is a boring man. 他是一个乏味的人。

7 keep a diary 写日记。

the little girl keeps a diary every day. 这个女孩每天写日记。

8 decide to do 决定干某事 decide not to do 决定不干某事。

little tom decides to study harder now. tom决定从现在起努力学习。

tom decides not to play computer games from now on.


9 try to do sth = try one’s best to do sth= do one’s best to do sth


we should do our best to study english well.


he tries his best to help me. 他尽最大的努力帮我。

10 feel like sth/ doing sth 感觉像,想要。

i feel like a fish when i swim in the river. 在河里游泳时,我感觉自己像条鱼。

the boys feel like playing basketball this afternoon. 男孩们今天下午想打篮球。

11 wonder = want to know 疑惑;想知道。

we wonder if it will rain tomorrow. 我想知道明天是否下雨。

he wonders where he can go on vacation. 他想知道他可以去哪度假。

12 different 形容词 “不同的”difference 名词 “差别”

there are some differences between english and chinese. 英汉有区别。

english is different from chinese. 英汉有区别。

13 on/ at the top of 在、、、的顶部。

there is a star at the top of the christmas tree. 在圣诞树的顶部有一个星星。

14 wait for sb/ sth 等待某人/某事 wait to do sth 等待做某事。

the people are waiting for number 5 bus. 人们在等5路车。

the children are waiting to take a shower. 孩子们在等着洗燥。

15 an umbrella 一把雨伞。

a uniform/ a university/ a usual day/ an unhappy girl

16 because +从句 because of + 名词短语。

he didn’t go to school, because he was ill. 因为生病他没有上学。

he didn’t go to school, because of his illness.

17 below zero 零度以下above zero零度以上。

18 enough 放于名词之前,形容词和副词之后。

there is enough water to drink, don’t worry. 别担心,有足够的水喝。

he runs fast enough that we can’t catch up with him. 他跑的太快我们追不上。

29 as +从句像、、、一样 like +短语像、、、一样。

you should do as i told you. 你应该像我告诉你的那样做。

do it like this像这样做。

20. as … as… 和。。。一样。。。not as/ so … as…不如。。。

our school is as beautiful as theirs. 我们学校和他们的学习一样美。

this book is not so interesting as that one. 这本书不如那本书那么有趣。

21 so+形容词 + that+从句/ such + 名词+that+从句/ too+形容词+to+动词。

the girl is so young that she can’t go to school.

she is such a young girl that she can’t go to school.

the girl is too young to go to school.


22 h**e a good time doing sth = h**e fun doing sth = enjoy doing sth


last sunday, they had fun flying kites. 上周日,他们放风筝放得很开心。

23 buy sth for sb = buy sb sth为某人买某物。

did you buy anything special for your mother on mother’s day.


24 it’s sb’s first time to do sth. 第一次做某事。

it’s my first time to go to beijing 这是我第一次到北京。

25 arrive in+大地点 arrive at+小地点 get to + 大/小地点 reach+大/小地点。

arrive in dongguan/ get to dongguan/ reach dongguan

arrive at tian’an men square/ get to tian’an men square/ reach tian’an men square

26 too many +可数 too much + 不可数 much too+形容词。

27 nothing…but…除了。。。之外没有什么。。。


the little boy can eat nothing but porridge. 除了粥,那个小男孩什么都不能吃。

nobody can get to the top but tom. 除了tom,没人能到达山顶。

28 go on doing sth= go on with sth = keep doing sth 继续做某事。

he went on reading after a cup of tea. 喝完茶后他继续阅读。

= he kept reading after a cup of tea.

29 tell sb to do sth 叫某人做某事 / tell sb not to do sth叫某人不要做某事。

the teacher told us to clean the windows this morning.


i tell him not to draw on the wall. 我叫他不要在墙上画画。


董娟。指导思想。以最新的 江苏省普通高校对口单独招生英语考试大纲 为依据,以教材为根本,以强化学生基础知识和综合运用能力为主线,联系我校学生的实际情况,密切关注近几年高考试题走向尤其是2014年的高考题型改革,制定切实可行的复习计划,确保在2014年12月中旬完成高三第一轮复习工作。学情分析。1.本...