
发布 2023-12-24 23:50:12 阅读 7386




1. vest2. 弯曲___

3. clock4. guess___

6. 在……上 __

7. money8. 朋友 __

9. 游泳10. 跳舞___


d 头 2. d__nce 跳舞。

m 游泳 p 茶杯 rry 对不起 6、cl ck 钟表。

7、gu ss 猜8、fr nd 朋友 sk 书桌。

三、判断正误。**一致的画“ √不一致的画“ ×8分)

book pencilhen pig

swim girl ride a bike desk


1. can can’t bend

1) eve,can you swim? no,i .

2)can you touch your head and your leg?

no we can’t. but we dance.

2. in on

1)what’s the desk? some cups.

2) what’s your pencil-box? a ruler.


1. qiqi: hi! lulululu: !qiqi.

qiqi: you swimlulu: yes, i can.

qiqi: can you singlulu: no, i .

2. eve:what’s the bed? tom: a box.

eve: in ittom:a doll .


1. cup(复数2. let’s(完全形式)__

3. bus(复数)__4. can not(缩写形式)__

5. to(同音词)__6. mother(对应词)__


)1. a. head b. pencil

)2. a. sun b. bun c. noodle

)3. a. swim b. like c. dance

)4. a. can b. leg c. head

)5. a. guess b. bag c. hat

)6. a. caps b. dogs c. monkeys

)7. a. she b. bed c. he


)1. a. desk c. lake

)2. a. you b. your c. her

)3. a. apple b. watch c. banana

)4. a. are b. is c. miss

)5. a. fish b. hut c. hen


)1. /litl/ a. little b. leg c. hill

)2./ges/ a. gift b. guess c. eggs

)3. friend a. /find/ b /frind/ c. /frend/

)4. bike a. /baik/ b /bek/ c. /beik/

)5. /mλ/ a. money b. mother c. father


)1. —can you swim?

a. yes, you can. b. no, i can’t c. yes, we can’t

)2. —is on my room?

some cups.

a. whereb. what c. who

yes, she can.

a. are you skip? b. can he hop? c. can she ride a bike?

)4. 当你不小心将水洒在同学身上时,应该说( )

a. excuse me. b i’m sorry. c. pardon?

)5. 当你想知道房间里有什么时,应问( )

a. what’s in the room? b where is my room? c. two desks


1. bag on the a. is desk (.

2 .in what cup is the (?

3. bend can my i leg head and(.)


1. he can fly a kite.(改为一般疑问句)

2. some cups is on the desk.(对划线部分提问)

3. can he swim? (做肯定回答)

4. the hat is in the box.(对划线部分提问)



实验小学2016 2017学年上学期。四年级语文期中测试卷。卷首语 同学们,不知不觉两个月的时间已经悄然而过,这段时间你一定有很多的收获。现在就请你回顾一下所学过的知识,展示才华,在这张试卷上摘取丰硕的果实吧!要注意书写干净 规范哦!卷面书写 5分 孩子们,一定要注意卷面书写的美观 整洁哦!听力部分...


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金湾区外国语学校 金湾二小 2011 2012学年度学二期期中学业质量检测试卷。四年级语文试题。本试题共十四题,满分100分,考试时间70分钟 一 给下列词语中加点字的正确读音打 3分 稍 s o sh o 微赚 zu n zhu n 钱 开垦 k n k ng 巡弋 g y 宛 w n w ng ...