
发布 2023-12-31 20:55:06 阅读 9765




学校: 姓名:

boys and girls,你想展示自己的才华吗?,现在就给你一个机会,请走进聪明者乐园,相信你表现一定会很棒!







1)i can see a bedroom and a living room.

2)how many people are there in your family?



请将答案写在这里:1、 2、 3、 4、 5、



a.what’s my seat? b. how’s my seat?

c. where’s my seat? d. who’s seat?


a. thanksb. good job!

c. good idead. great。


a. how manyb. how much?

c. what yuand. how yuan?

)4晚上10:00你想睡觉了,应先对mother礼貌地说声“ ”再去睡觉。

a. goodbye, mom. b. good afternoon ,mom.

c. good evening ,mom. d. good night,mom.


a. what’s in it? b. what in it?

c. how many is it? d. how many in it?


a. what you like? b. how do you like to eat?

c. what would you like? d. how would you like?


a. i’d like some juice. b. i’d like a juice .

c. can i h**e a juice? d. can i h**e some juice?

五.慧眼识珠,单项选择 (10分)

)1. is it?-it’s red.

a. what colour b. what c. how

)2. do you h**e? i h**e 6

a. how many book b. how much book c. how many books

)3.let’s computer games.

a. to playb. play c. playing

) would you like dinner?

a. forb. atc. in

)5.i’d like some and .

a. eggs and rices b. egg and rice c. eggs and rice

)6.what’s thirty and twenty? .

a. fiftyb. tenc. fifteen

) your father

a. she’s a teacher b. he’s a teacher

c. he’s thirty-three.

) is desk.

a. teacherb. teachers c. teacher’s

)9.my friend music.

a. likeb. likes c. liking

)10-where are the keys?—it’s the door.

a. atb. inc. on


10分) ) door b. light c. wall d. purple

) english b. math c. book d. chinese

) milk b. juice c. water d. rice

) nurse b. cake c. hot dog d. noodles

) pencil b. pen c. body d. pencil-case

) sofa b. bed c. table d. room

) ten b. thirty c. forty d. they

) mother b. brother c. father d. driver

) fish b. coke c. chicken d. beef

)10a. long b. short c. has d. big


) morninga. many books and pens.

) or girlb. good morning.

) i h**e a lookc. thank you.

) you like sportsd. no ,she isn’t.

) christmase. no, thanks.

) she in the studyf. a boy.

) in my schoolbag? g. sure. here you are .

) like chinese foodh. it’s ten yuan.

) much is the hot dog ? i. yes ,i do.

) you like some apples? j. me too.


) are my mother

a b c( )many apple are there on the tree

a bc( )is driver

a b c( )look tall


2010 2011学年第二学期期末教学质量监测。高二化学试卷。可能用到的相对原子质量 h 1 c 12 o 16 al 27 第 卷 选择题,共50分 一 单项选择题 本题包括15小题,每小题2分,共30分,每小题只有一个选项符合题意。1 下列说法正确的是。a 天然气的主要成分是乙烷。b 液化石油气...


高二上学期期末考试化学部分 可能用到的相对原子质量 h 1 s 32 cl 35.5 o 16 na 23 7 下列说法正确的是 a 根据能量守恒定律,反应物的总能量一定等于生成物的总能量。b 强 弱电解质的本质区别是溶解度的大小不同。c 在海轮外壳连接锌块保护外壳不受腐蚀。d 室温下,在蒸馏水中滴...


2014年暑期三升四期末试卷。姓名得分。一 想一想再填空。26分 1.用4个边长是2厘米的小正方形,拼成一个长方形,拼成的长方形的周长是 厘米,面积是 平方厘米。2.五 六年级的同学参加数学夏令营,一共有160人,其中六年级的人数是五年级人数的3倍。五年级有 人,六年级有 人。3.2008年的9月1...