新人教版七年级英语上期末试卷 五

发布 2024-01-01 13:20:06 阅读 1802


1.打篮球 bat

3.考虑 about

5.给你 nice

7.妈妈的生日 sure

9.做游戏 class


) 1. my sistereggs breakfast .,for ,for ,to ,to

) 2. is this dictionary ? no ,it isn't ,it is ,he ,he ,his ,his

) 3. he likes piaying piano and he can play volleyball. ,the ,/cd./ the

) 4. my father always to work(上班) by bike .

) 5is the ice cream ?

—three yuan .

many long much he**y

) 6. there is orange and two bnanas the table .,on , on , under .at

) 7. they are my good

frienf friend

) 8. let jim

tv tv a tv tvs

) 9.——does peter like volleyball ?

he thinka it's boring .,he is , he does ,he doesn't ,he does

) 10. i wantchicken for supper .

eat ) 11. jack is a boy , he eats,good ,well

) 12. the socks are sale for $2.5.

) 13. is that case ? it's white .

much color

) 14. his birthday is october 13th

) 15. mrs green is aunt .

s and kate 's and kate's

and kate's and kates


ll h**e a good ton english day .

is di don't like it

fteacher is miss green .

and five is f

sister is my mother and father's d


like) apples .

girl on the picture is her cousin .

your birthday?

family likehealth) food very much .

(soundinteresting .

h**e fourclass) in the morning .

7.——how muchbe) these jackets ? they are $20.


9is a boy and name is ted .(he)

syou) name ?


is my rulers错应改为。

a b cyou h**e any ping pong balls错应改为。

ab cd

like apples but carrots错应改为。

a b c d

is fourteen year old错应改为。

a b cf**ouite subject is science错应改为。

a b c d


brother plays in the park .(一般疑问句your brotherin the park ?

can i do for you ?(同义句iyou ?

likes geography because it's interesting .(对划线部分提问)

does hegeography ?

4 they are my rulers (单数句子my

5. the boy is 8 years old. (对划线部分提问is the boy?


1. 你早晨什么时候起床?

do you get up in the morning?

2. 你的**号码是多少?

what’s your

3. 你想要什么颜色的?

do you want?

4. 他们今天在家吃午餐。

today theyat home.

5. 他最喜欢的科目是什么?



ab )1. where are your keysa. it’s 5673498.

)2. let’s watch tv. b. nice to meet you.

)3. what’s his phone number? c. because it’s interesting.

)4. is his birthday in julyd. on the dresser.

)5. why do you like thank you!

)6. do they h**e an art festivalf. at 12:00.


一 选择题 每小题3分,共36分。1 8的相反数是 a 8 b 8 c d 2 据天津市统计局统计,2014年国庆 周七天长假,全市共接待游客755.52万人次,将755.52万用科学记数法表示应为 人次 a 7.5552 102 b 7.5552 103 c 7.5552 106 d 7.5552...


九年级数学上册期末测试卷。本试卷满分为120分,考试时间为120 分钟 姓名得分。一 选择题。1.如图1所示的图形中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是 图12.下列成语所描述的事件是必然事件的是 a 水中捞月 b 拔苗助长 c 守株待兔 d 瓮中捉鳖。3 要组织一场篮球赛,每两队之间都比一场,计划...


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