
发布 2024-01-07 15:30:05 阅读 3392



1. 总词汇量:3202个(指纯英语词汇:去掉了数字,符号等非英语词汇)(有报道称总计:3827个)

2. 净单词:1052个(去掉了重复单词),其中,初中学:844个,高中 200个,还有约10个超标词。

3. 初中合成词 4个, 派生词29个,词尾词190个。

高中合成词9个, 派生词 20 个, 词尾词68个。


4. 2014新增3个: features, issued, opportunities.

5. 在试题中中标出的【超鲁汇】是2024年山东省高考英语词汇表上没有的词汇。【超标本】是指超出课标(实验)和课本(人教、外研)的词汇。

6. 试题总体难度0.6 左右。

7. 参考文库文章《2024年山东高考英语试题与课标、课本词汇对比分析。







out all the invitations by hand was more time-consuming than we___

a. will expect b. are expecting c. expect d. had expected

don’t really like the author, _i h**e to admit his books are very exciting.

a. although b. unless c. until d. once

3.—this apple pie is too sweet, don’t you think so?

i think it’s just right, actually.

a. not really b. i hope so c. sounds good d. no wonder

4. susan made___clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself.

a. that b. this c. it d. her

5. they made up their mind that they___a new house once larry changed jobs.

a. bought b. would buy c. h**e bought d. had bought

6. there’s a note pinned to the door___when the shop will open again.

a. saying b. says c. said d. h**ing said

7. it is difficult for us to imagine___life was like for sl**es in the ancient world.

a. where b. what c. which d. why

8. —is anne coming tomorrow?

if she were to come, she would h**e called me.

a. go ahead b. certainly c. that’s right d. i don’t think so

9. it’s standard practice for a company like this one___a security officer.

a. employed b. being employed c. to employ d. employs

10. a company___profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad.

a. which b. whose c. who d. why



athere was a pet store and the owner had a parrot. one day a __11___walked in and the parrot said to the man, “hey you!” the man said, “what!?

”the parrot said, “your__12__ is really ugly.” the man got very __13__ and went to the store owner and said, “your bird just__14__ my wife. it said she was ugly.

”the owner stormed over, _15__the bird, took it into the “black room,” shook it a bit, _16__ out a few feathers, and said, “don’t ever, ever say anything to __17__ my customers again. you got that!!!

with that__18__ he took the bird and put it back into its cage. the old bird shook out its__19__ and relaxed in its cage. a couple of weeks__20__and in walked this guy【超鲁汇;初中人教8年级下册unit8;初中外研2年级上册module7】 and his wife again.

the parrot said, “hey you” the guy said, “what!?”the parrot answered, “you know that.”

11. a. group b. team c. couple d. crowd

12. a. wife b. sister c. mother d. daughter

13. a. curious b. nervous c. guilty d. angry

14. a. greeted b. puzzled c. offended d. scared

15. a. hugged b. seized c. trained d. rescued

16. a. sent b. handed c. pulled d. dug

17. a. touch b. amuse c. cheat d. embarrass

18. a. warning b. comment c. suggestion d. request

19. a. eyes b. feathers c. fur d. skin

20. a. lasted b. arrived c. appeared d. passed

bcharlotte whitehead was born in england in 1843, and moved to montreal, canada at the age of five with her family. while__21__ her ill elder sister throughout the years, charlotte discovered she had a(n)__22__ in medicine. at 18 she married and __23__ a family.

several years later, charlotte said she wanted to be a __24__.her husband supported her decision.

__25__,canadian medical schools did not __26__ women students at that time. therefore, charlotte went to the united states to study __27__ at the women’s medical college in philadelphia. it took her five years to __28__ her medical degree.

upon graduation, charlotte__29__to montreal and set up a private __30__.three years later, she moved to winnipeg, manitoba, and there she was once again a __31__ doctor. many of her patients were from the nearby timber【超标本, 超鲁汇】 and railway camps.

charlotte__32__ herself operating on damaged limbs【超鲁汇;高中人教9册unit3】 and setting __33__ bones, in addition to delivering all the babies in the area.

but charlotte had been practising without a licence. she had __34__ a doctor’s licence in both montreal and winnipeg, but was __35__.the manitoba college of physician and surgeons, an all-male board, wanted her to __36__ her studies at a canadian medical college!

charlotte refused to __37__ her patients to spend time studying what she already knew. so in 1887, she appealed to the manitoba legislature to __38__ a licence to her but they, too, refused. charlotte__39__to practise without a licence until 1912.

she died four years at the age of 73.


第 卷 共36分 一 每小题3分,共15分 阅读小面一段文字,完成1 3题。浙江云和梯田,虽然不及云南元阳梯田 广西龙胜梯田那般规模 洪大 宏大 气势雄伟,但却玲珑纤巧,别有特色。群山逶迤,阳光扑面而来,俯瞰山中梯田,好似面对着一座宽大的露天体育馆。无论冬夏,太阳每天都 沿 攀 着湿淋淋 银闪闪 亮...

2024年全国普通高考英语试题 山东卷 分析

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今早拿到 鲁南商报 看到了2008年山东省高考语文试题。总体来说,试题不难,适合学生的发挥。此份试题,具有以下特点 1 充满浓厚的山东地方色彩,且紧扣社会热点。文言选段为山东籍作家蒲松龄,出自 聊斋志异 继承了去年广东高考语文试题的文言考查形式。从某种程度上说,也是一篇人物传记,只不过是以 的形式出...