
发布 2024-01-29 23:10:03 阅读 7631

三年级的同学们已经学习完了第一学期的全部英语课文,那么在接下来的时间里,孩子们应该如何进行复习呢?下面就让给大家分享几篇三年级英语复习知识点归纳吧,希望能对你有帮助!三年级英语复习知识点归纳篇一1、applebananaorangepeachpearwatermelon grape strawberry2、big long small short tall

4、bus bike taxi jeep

5、chair desk walkman lamp

6、deer giraffe 7、eight eleven fifteenfourteen thirteen twenty sixteen seventeentwelve nineteen

8、friendgirlteacherwomanmanstudent boy


10、and can great how how many i’m let’s like look at meet nice really somethanks this too your二、句型unit 1

1、we h**e a new friend today.2、this is my friend, 2

1、let’s watch tv. great!unit 3

1、i h**e a new kite.2、let’s fly it!

3、oh! it’s beautiful!

4、the black one is a bird.5、look at my new crayons!6、open it and see!

7、you h**e 16 crayons!unit 4

1、what about pears?2、i like them very much..


4、h**e some fruits.5、i don’t like 5

1、where is my car?2、on your desk?

3、it’s under the chair.4、excuse me, amy.

5、here you are! thank 6

1、look at the elephant! wow! it’sso big!

2、it has a long nose and a short tail.3、oh,it’s so funny!/it’s so tall.

4、you see. the giraffe istall. thedeer is short.

5、dad ,you’re tall. i’m short.6、you’re right.三、对话:

1、who’sthatwoman?sheismymother .

who’s that man? he is my that boy?/look out!

2、whereareyoufrom?i’mfromamerica.3、how many kites can you see?

/howmany crayons do you h**e?4、do you like peaches? yes ,i do.

/no,i don’t.

5、canih**eanapple,please?certainly!6、h**e some more ?

no, thank you.7、can i use your pencil? no problem.

四、口语:1、good morning,boys and gils!/goodafternoon!

/goodbye./nice to meet you.2、’m sorry.


unit1~3hotdog,sandwich,bread,pizza,milk,water,orangejuice,hungry,thirsty,full,sick,birthday,cake,candle,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen, nineteen,’m not.

i’m hungry/sick/full/ like clean up.

how old re you? i’m is for you.

how old is your sister? she’s are these? they’re i help you?

how many do you want? i wanthow much is it? it’s one do that. 1. be 9is, am, are)的运用。

2.可数名词的复数3. 13-19的拼写4.口语表达unit

4red,yellow,blue,black,green,white,orange, box, hat, color, moon, sun,star, tiger, draw, put on what‘s in it? it’sa hat .

what color is it? it‘s red.

can you draw a tiger? yes, i can/no,i


color it yellow and black.

you can see many stars. 1 color的良种词性。

2 can引导的问句和回答unit

5 coat, shirt, skirt, pans, shoes, socks,pretty, show can i help you? i want a about this shirt? i don’t like look great.


show me that blue cap, it on.祈使句unit

6 thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, soap, time,light, sleep, turn on/off, get up, what timeis it? it’s ten time to sleep.

please turn on/of the light/ time do you get up?

i get up at six/seven. 1几十的拼写2 time的用法3祈使句。

unit7in,on,behind,under,nextto,play,bed,door,table,,chair,behindthedoor/chair,underthebed/table,inthehatlet’s play‘hide-n-seek’.

whereareyou?i’min/on/behind/under/ next to

where is she/he/it/mike? he/she/it’sin 1介词的意思和用法where引导的问句。unit8

cold, hot, chocolate, snow, snowball,snowman, make a snowball/snowman is itcold/hot? it’s very cold/ some hot chocolate.

do you like snow? sure, i like make a snowman. ****** a snowman. 1问天气的句式。


unit9sunday,saturday,monday,wednesday,tuesday,thursday,friday,skate, game

s sunday.

what’s that? skates.

can you skate? sure,/ no, i can’t.

it’s time to say good-bye.


2 skate的用法3口语表达。


食物和饮料:hotdog,sandwich,bread, pizza ,milk, water, orange juice,水果:apple,banana,watermelon,pineapple, pear, orange

颜色:red,yellow, blue, black, green,white, orange,8 / 11


星期:sunday,saturday,monday,wednesday, tuesday, thursday, friday其他:cake,candle,dollar,box,hat,color,moon,sun,star,tiger,soap,time,light,bed,door,table,,chair,chocolate,snow, snowball, snowman, skate, game2、形容词。

hungry,thirsty,full,sick,pretty,cold,hot ,old, happy,3、动词。

draw, show, sleep, play, say,4、动词短语。

cleanup,puton,takeoff,turnon/off,get up, make a snowball/snowman,5、其他短语。








unit 5食物:cakebreadhot


苏教版三年级语文上册复习知识点归纳 9 17课

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苏教版三年级语文上册复习知识点归纳 9 17课

第九课 三袋麦子 分角色朗读课文,会讲这个故事。会读会写会用生字,理解词语 迫不及待 憨厚 拜访 抚摸 保存 聪明 防止。能对小猪 小牛 小猴的不同做法能作出评价并说明理由。本文运用了对比手法,生动刻画了人物形象。第十课 哪吒闹海 正确 流利 有感情地熟读课文。会读会写会用生字,理解词语 兴风作浪 ...


三年级上册单元重点知识。unit1hello 二 句子。1.hello,i mwuyifan.你好,我是吴一凡。hi,i msarah.你好,我是萨拉。2.ih earuler.me,too.我有一把尺子。我也是。我有一块橡皮。4.what syourname?myname sjohn.i mjoh...