
发布 2024-02-04 16:10:04 阅读 3340



lucky copy think interesting fantastic believe


i’ve got a pianoi can’t play it .

sam has got a pet doghe often plays with it .

i live in chinai am not chinese .

i’ve got a postcardit’s from my pen friend .

she’s got an email in frenchshe can’t read it .

i want to go swimmingi’ve got a cold .

i can play footballi can play basketball, too.

daming has got a chinese kitewe fly it in the park.


)1、igot a postcard from england .

a has b am c h**e

)2、i live in new yorki am not american .

a but b or c and

)3、i am __londonengland .

a in from b from in c from at

)4、daminggot an email from his penfriend .

a has b is c h**e

)5、h**e you gotchopsticks?

a some b a c any

)6、lucy has got a pet catshe often play with it.

a but b or c and

)7、we can alwaysfriends.

a be b am c are

)8、igot a football but i’ve got a basketball.

a h**e b has not c h**e not

)9、we want to __china someday.

a visit b visiting c h**e not

)10、h**e you got a bookengland ?

a to b about c with






4、believe it or not.

5、it’s true.

6、they play with children.

7、why is the snake coming out of the box?

8、what do monkeys like to eat?


)1、this letter is from john .

)2、laura is john’s friend. and she is ann’s friend , too.

)3、ann is 13 years old.

)4、ann has got a book about china.

)5、laura wants john to be her pen friend .

)6、ann comes from china.

)7、ann lives in sydney.


例: (orange ) ih**e got an orange .

( backpack) daming

( ruler ) mary

( computer) amy

( banana ) sam and lingling

( pen ) we



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