
发布 2024-02-05 16:40:04 阅读 8010


module 1閲嶈璇嶇粍涓庡彞瀛?

1.鍘荤彔姹熸极娓?go on the pearl river cruise

2.璁╂垜浠幓棣欐睙鍔ㄧ墿鍥唬鏇垮惂銆?let鈥檚 go to the xiangjiang zoo instead.

3.宸茬粡鍒拌繃鏌愬湴 h**e/ has been to

4.鎴戜滑宸插幓杩囧箍宸炵殑鍔ㄧ墿鍥緢澶氭浜嗐俉e h**e been to the zoos in guangzhou many times.

5.鍏瀵?the six banyan temple

6.鎷嶇収 take photos

7.瀹屽緱鐥涘揩 h**e fun

8.鍘荤埇灞?go climbing

9.璧忛笩 watch birds

10.鍦ㄨ憲鍚嶇殑骞垮窞閰掑鍚冪偣蹇?h**e dimsum at the famous guangzhou restaurant

11.鍙傝骞垮窞缇庢湳鍗氱墿棣?visit the guangzhou art museum

12.鎵撶墝 play cards

13.鍐欎俊 write a letter

14.鐪嬬數瑙嗕笂鐨勮冻鐞冩瘮璧?watch the football match on tv

15.褰撹冻鐞冩瘮璧涙挱鍑虹殑鏃跺?when the football match is on

16.鐪嬩竴鍦烘剼锠㈢殑鐢靛奖 watch/ see a stupid film

17鍘荤數褰遍櫌 go to the cinema

18.浣犳渶濂藉厛闂棶浣犵埗姣嶃?you鈥檇 better ask your parents first.

19.涓轰粈涔堜綘涓嶅湪8鐐规潵鎴戝鍛? why don鈥檛 you come to my house at eight?

20瀛︽牎鍋囨湡 school holiday

21.鍙傝闀垮煄 visit the great wall

22.浣犱滑濡備綍鍒拌揪閭e効? how are you going to go there?

鎴戜滑灏嗗潗椋炴満鍘汇俉e are going to get there by plane.

module 2閲嶈璇嶇粍涓庡彞瀛?

1. 鍥芥棗 national flag

2. 涓浗鍥芥棗 the chinese national flag the national flag of china

3. 鎰忓ぇ鍒╁浗鏃?the italian national flag the national flag of italy

4. 娉曞浗棣栭兘 the capital of france

5. 缇庡浗鏈澶х殑鍩庡競 the biggest/largest city of the usa

6. 涓涓父瑙堢殑濂藉湴鏂?a good place to visit

7. 宸撮粠姣斾笢浜洿婕備寒銆?paris is more beautiful than tokyo銆?

8. 鍘讳竴涓殩鍜岀偣鐨勫煄甯?go to a warmer place

9. 闈炲父鍢堟潅鎷ユ尋 so noisy and crowded

10. 鎴戝畞鎰垮幓涓滀含銆?i prefer to go to tokyo.

11. 濡傛澶氭紓浜殑鍦版柟 so many beautiful places

12. 鎴戜箰鎰忓幓鎯犵伒椤?銆?i鈥檇 like to go to wellington.

13. 濂戒富鎰? that鈥檚 a good idea.

14. 鏈缇庝附鐨勫煄甯?the most beautiful city

15. 姣斺︹︿汉鍙e h**e a larger population than鈥?

16. 骞垮窞姣斾笢浜汉鍙e 鍚? does guangzhou h**e a larger population than tokyo?

17. 涓? 浜哄彛灏戜簺銆?no, it has a smaller population.

18. 13浜?1,300,000,000) one billion three hundred million

19. 7,200,000 seven million two hundred thousand

20. 鍘昏繃涓栫晫涓?0澶氫釜鍥藉 h**e been to more than twenty countries in the world

21. 澶у0绗?laugh aloud

22. 鐩稿唽 photo album

23. 鍫煿鎷夌殑浜哄彛 the population of canberra

24. 浜哄伐鍠锋硥 man-made fountain

module 3 閲嶈璇嶇粍鍜屽彞瀛?

1. 鍘绘暎姝?go for a walk

2. 鏉ュ弬鍔犳櫄浼?come to a party

3. 鍘荤湅椹垙鍥㈣〃婕?go to the circus

4. .鏉ュ枬鑼?come to tea

5. 鍘诲垝鑸?go boating

6. 鍠滄鍒掕埞 like going boating(like boating)

7. 鐪嬭捣鏉ュ揩涔?look happ

8. 鎴戞劅鍒扮儲闂?i am / feel bored

9. 鍘荤數褰遍櫌(鐪嬬數褰? go to the cinema /see a film

10. 鍙兘鏅氫竴鐐?maybe later

11. 鍙樻箍 get wet

12. 涔版眽鍫″寘褰撳崍椁?buy hamburgers for lunch

13. 杩欑數褰卞緢闂枫?the film is boring.

14. 褰撶劧鍙互 of course you can

15. 鎴戝繀椤诲厛鍋氫綔涓?i h**e to do my homework first.

16. 閭璇锋墍鏈夌殑鏈嬪弸 invite all my friends

17. 閭eお澶氫汉浜?that鈥檚 a lot of people.

18. 鍘婚噹椁?h**e a picnic

19. 鎴戝彲浠ュ甫椋熺墿鍚? can i bring some food?

20. 鍋氭墍鏈夌殑椋熺墿 make all the food

21. 鍦ㄤ竴鐐瑰紑濮?start at one o鈥檆lock

22. 鍚垜鐨凜d listen to the new cds

23. 甯︿釜鏈嬪弸鏉?bring a friend

24. 娌¢棶棰?no problem

module 4 閲嶈璇嶇粍鍜屽彞瀛?

1. 鍦ㄦ墦鐢佃瘽 on the phone

2. 鐢佃瘽鍦ㄥ搷銆?the phone is ringing.

3. 锛堢數璇濈敤璇級鎴戞槸鈥︹︺?this is/it鈥檚鈥 peaking.

4. 璇锋壘mandy鎺ョ數璇濓紵 may/can i speak to mandy?

5. 璇烽棶浣犳槸璋? who鈥檚 that, please? who鈥檚 speaking? who鈥檚 calling?

6. 璇烽棶浣犵殑鐢佃瘽鏄?4683157鍚? is that 34683157?

7. 鐣欒█銆佺暀渚挎潯銆佺粰渚挎潯 take/le**e/give a message for

8. 浠婂ぉ鏃╀笂鎴戠粰浣犳墦鐢佃瘽銆?i called you this morning.

9. 浣嗕綘涓嶅湪瀹躲?but you weren鈥檛 at home.

10. 缁欎粬涓浠剁敓鏃ョぜ鐗?give him a birthday present

11. 绛変細鍎胯 see you later

12. 鏃犱汉鎺ョ數璇?no answer

13. 涓浼氬効鍚庡洖鐢佃瘽 call back later

14. 閿欑殑鍙风爜 wrong number

15. 閲嶆嫧 dial again

16. 灏嗘湁绌?蹇欑殑 will be free/busy

17. 鍚埌閭d釜娑堟伅寰堟姳姝夈?i鈥檓 sorry to hear that.

18. 鏄ㄦ櫄澶寸柤 had a headache last night

19. 甯﹀ス鍘诲尰闄?take her to hospital

20. 闇瑕佸ぇ閲忎紤鎭?need to get a plenty of rest

21. 濂瑰緢蹇氨浼氬ソ鐨勩?she will be all right soon.

22. 璋㈣阿浣犵殑鐢佃瘽銆?thank you for your call.

23. 妫鏌ュ彿鐮?check the number

24. 鑵跨柤鐥?h**e a pain in the leg

25. 涓鑺傜編鏈?鍘嗗彶璇?an art lesson/ a history lesson

26. 浠栨槰澶╃湅浜嗙數瑙嗐?he watched tv yesterday.

27. 浠栨槰澶╃湅浜嗙數瑙嗗悧锛?did he watch tv yesterday?

28. 浣犲濡堟槰鏅氬湪瀹跺悧锛?was your mother at home last night?

29. 娌℃湁锛屽ス鍦ㄤ笂鐝 ?no, she wasn鈥檛。 she was at work.

30. 涓婂懆浣犲湪骞垮窞鍚楋紵 were you in guangzhou last week?

31. 娌℃湁锛屾垜鍦ㄥ寳浜 ?no, i wasn鈥檛。 i was in beijing.







move---want- pick---


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www.5y module1重要词组与句子。1.去珠江漫游。goonthepearlrivercruise 2.让我们去香江动物园代替吧。let sgotothexiangjiangzooinstead.3.已经到过某地。h e hasbeento 4.我们已去过广州的动物园很多次了。weh ebe...