
发布 2024-02-06 21:25:03 阅读 9463




)1. classrooma.班级 b.教室 c.同学 d.墙壁。

)2. computer a.电视机 b.地板 c.电脑 d.讲台。

)3. notebook a.笔记本 b.数学书 c.语文书 d.故事书。

)4. friendly a.朋友 b.友好的 c.家庭 d.强壮的。

)5. key a.玩具 b.糖果 c.钥匙 d.书包。

)6. quiet a.友好的 b.安静的 c.活泼的d.高的。

)7. bedroom a.起居室 b.卧室 c.卫生间 d.厨房。

) a.鸡肉 b.牛肉 c.猪肉 d.羊肉。

)9. near a.距离近 b.在…上面c.在…里面d.在…下面。

)10. fridge a.电视机 b.电冰箱 c.桌子 d.沙发。

)11.刀 a. fork b. bowl c. spoon d. knife

)12.门 a. floor b. door c. windowd. light

)13.面条 a. egg b. beef c. duck d. noodles

)14.筷子 a. glasses b. chopsticks c. soup d. plate

)15.晚饭 a. breakfast b. brunch c. lunch d. dinner

)16.他的 a. his b. her c. its d. their

)17.讲台 a. chair b. desk c. tv d. teacher’s desk

)18.厨房 a. kitchen b. chicken c. study d. bathroom

)19.图画 a. blackboard b. fan c. wall d. picture

)20.沙发 a. sofa b. strong c. soup d. shoe


) 1. a. fork b. spoon c. vegetable d. knife

) 2. a. fridge b. sofa c. table d. beef

) 3. a. study b. chicken c. bedroom d. living room

) 4. a. long b. tall c. haird. strong

) 5. a. wall b. fan c. catd. computer

) 6. my father is a driver.

a. farmer b. doctor c. grandpa d. nurse

) 7. i h**e a storybook.

a. schoolbag b. chinese book c. maths book d. notebook

) 8. the wall is white.

a. floor b. strong c. door d. light

) 9. is this your bedroom?

a. living room b. kitchen c. teacher d. study

) 10. i’d like some chicken.

a. fish b. young c. bread d. vegetables



)1. what would you like dinner?

. ofb. forc. at d. in

)2. -where are the keys?

--they’re __the door..

a. onb. atc. in d. of

)3people are there in your family?


a. how much b. how many c. what’s d. where

)4. i h**e anbook.

a. chineseb. mathsc. english d. picture

)5. my friendlong hair.

a. h**eb. hasc. are d. is

)6. -would you like a knife and fork?

a. i’d like some soup. b. thank you. c. no, thank you.

)7. -is she in the living room?

a. yes, he isb. yes, she is. c. no, he isn’t.

)8. -are they near the phone?

a. yes, she isb. yes, they are. c. no, it isn’t.


a. tall b. english book c. father d. fish

e. toys f. blackboard g. desks h. rice

i. mother j. strong

1. -what’s for dinner? -some __and __

2. meet my family! this is my___and this is my___

3. -what’s in the classroom?

--one __one computer,many __and chairs.

4. -a boy or girl?

---a boy. he’s __and

5. -what’s in your schoolbag?

--an __a notebook,two __and keys.


ab )1. what’s his namea. yes, she is.

)2. how many people are there in your family? b. some fish, please.

)3. is she in the studyc. his name is john.

)4. let’s clean the deskd. four.

)5. what would you like for dinnere. ok.


1. my, tall, is, friend, thin, and(.)

2. let’s, the, classroom, clean(.)

3. on, table, are, the, they(?)

4. like, i’d, fish, some, vegetables, and (

5. is, what, colour, it (


my name is linda. i am from canada. i’m eleven years old.

i h**e a best friend. her name is amy. she has long black hair.

she has a round face. there are two big blue eyes, a small mouth, and a big nose on it. she is very quiet.

she is thin. she likes music.

i like her best. do you make friends with amy?

)1. my name is amy.

)2. linda comes from canada.

)3. amy is linda’s best friend.

)4. linda has long black hair.

)5. amy is very strong.

)6. amy is very quiet, and she likes music.

四年级我爱记单词 社团计划

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