
发布 2024-02-10 04:15:13 阅读 9317



一、 制定班级奋斗目标,利用每一节班队会强化班级奋斗目标,要求每一位学生为实现班级奋斗目标出谋划策,制定每个阶段的奋斗目标,使每位学生参与实现班级奋斗目标的过程,增强他们的主人翁意识。

二、 上好班会课,每周班队会对上周工作进行总结,安排下周的任务。

三、 培养良好的班风,制定奖惩分明的班级规章制度,以规范行为。

四、 结合各大节日,有针对性地对学生进行相应的教育。

五、 每月召开班干部例会,班干部汇报工作情况,交流工作经验,抓做好干部的管理及培训工作,树立班干部的榜样作用。

六、 坚持做好学生在校的各项常规教育工作。

七、 做好家访工作,与家长沟通,密切联系家长,达到共同教育效果,形成教育共识,共同教育好孩子。

八、 鼓励学生积极参加学校组织的有益身心的各项活动,扩大视野,增长见识,增强体质,在活动中对学生进行文明礼貌教育和环保教育。

九、 抓好学生两操,规范学生动作,整顿出操的速度和纪律。

一十、 加强对学困生的辅导和关心,深入了解成因,挖掘其闪光点,努力培养他们对学习的兴趣。

一十一、 对学生做好各项安全教育工作。(包括用电、防火、交通等各方面)

一十二、 对学生进行集体主义教育和团结互助教育。

一十三、 对学生进行思想品德教育和尊师守纪教育。

一十四、 对学生进行爱国主义教育,弘扬中华民族传统美德。

一十五、 继续加强礼仪教育,进行每月礼仪之星评比。

一十六、 按学校要求出好各期墙报。

一十七、 每天上报班级晨检情况,持之以恒地做好预防甲型流感检查工作。

一十八、 引导学生制订学习目标和复习计划,端正学习态度,严肃考试纪律,努力学习,考出真实水平。

class: name:

)1. good morning! !

)2. nice to see you again !

are you ? to see you , too . do you do ?

) night,mom !

! night ! evening .

) do you do ?

are you ? do you do ?

) many story books do you h**e ?

h**e 10. can see 10. yuan.

) you h**e new teachers?

do . don’t. h**e .

) your art teacher ?

zhu. zhu. tall.

) he like?

tall and strong . is. zhu.

) your english teacher young?

isn’t. is . is.

)10. ?her name is chen jie.

your name ? she name ? her name ?

)11. ?i like chinese,math and english.

classes do you like? do you like? are you like ?

)12. ?we h**e english and

do you h**e on mondays ? do you h**e ?

do you h**e on monday?

)13. ?it’s monday.

is it today ? day is it today ? day is today ?

)14. ?i watch tv and do my homework.

do you do ? do you do in mondays?

do you do on sundays ?

) i h**e a look ?

you are . you are .

) math teacher is canada.

) three new teachers.

) chinese teacher like ?

) is thin.

) are days in a week.

) are month(月)in a year(年).

) often watch tv saturday .

) like i don’t lime music.

) is apple. it is red apple., a a

) do you like ?


class: name:

)1. how are you ?

is. are you ?

)2. nice to meet you !

you. to meet you ,too !

)3. how do you go to school ?

go to canada by plane. go to school by bike. about you ?

)4. how do you go to the usa ?

usually go to school by bus. go to england by ship. go by plane.

)5. ?my home is near the post office.

a. where is your home ? you then!

)6. see you at 2 o’clock.

you then ! fifth floor. easy.

)7. ?you can go by the no.15 bus.

not far. b. how can i get to zhongshan park ?

)8. where is the hospital?

to the cinema. you . welcome.

)9. excuse me ,is there a cinema near here ?

is . not far. near the post office.

)10.? it’s near the post office.

is . not far. c. where is the library?

)11. ?it’s next to the hospital.

a. where is the cinema ,please ? it far ? straight.

)12. how can i get to the hospital ?

next to the hospital. can go by the no.201 bus. you.

) you .

you . welcome.

)14. how can i get to the museum?

turn left. you . east of the cinema .

)15. where is the post office ?

turn left. you . east of the cinema .

)16. what are you going to do this evening ?

going to the cinema . go to school on foot. is.

)17. is it far ?

is . it is . isn’t.

)18. do you go to school ?

)19. i go to school bike.

b. by

)20. can i go foot ?

) can i to the post office ?

b. get

)22. me.

a. excuse b. how

)23. birthday to you !

a. after

)24. the hospital is the left.

a. at

)25. is the bookstore ?


class: name:

) afternoon !

) to see you again !

are you ? to see you , too.

) night,moom !

evening ! night !

) are you ?

you . am 10. .

) do you do ? thank you . are you ? do you do ?

) old are you ?

are you ? am 11. h**e 11.

)7. ?i h**e 23.

many books do you h**e ? many books can you see?

many book do you h**e ?

)8. ?i can see 6.

many lights do you h**e ? many lights can you see ?

many light can you see ?

) i h**e a look ?

you are . are you .

)10. ?50 yuan.

much is this schoolbag ? many is this schoolbag ?

much are this schoolbag ?

) my seat ?

near the door. on the door. under the door.

) clean the desks and chairs.

right ! nice .

) this ?

is a board . a bee. bee.

)14. ?my name is mike.

are you ? your name ? do you do ?

) the inventor of ***** ?

people. great !

) a student. you a teacher.,am are are

) a name zhang peng.

is , is , are

) clean the fish bowl.

b. me

) is is red apple .,an a a

) a new classroom.

) a bee in our classroom.

a. is

)22. h**e a new schoolbag. schoolbag is he**y., my ,my , i

) your english book your head.

) many books in the desk.

) many do you h**e ?


class: name:


morning .

) are you ? 的正确答语是:

fine,thank you .


your name ? you.


b. ) to meet you 的意思是:

a.见到你很高兴。 b.你好吗?


bye! ) is a

) ming is a

) lives in



to meet you . you later.


morning . you later.’

) this ? it’s a

) is a

) is a name ?


组织建设 就是建一支有朝气 有战斗力的班干部队伍。班干部队伍是班级工作核心,是一个班能否形成良好班风的决定因素,因此,龙头 建设应是班主任的首要工作。篇一以一切为了学生,为了一切学生,为了学生的一切为己任,高举小平理论伟大旗帜,全面贯彻 重要思想,一心一意谋学校的发展,全面贯彻党的教育方针,对学校 ...


2 纪律管理实行等级评定制。每组设立一个小组长,负责对本组同学进行纪律考评。纪律考评的内容包括课间纪律 自习纪律 课堂纪律 间操纪律 眼操纪律,分为优加 优 良 不合格四个等级,连续一周得到优加的同学可以得到奖励,每天得到良或不合格的同学会相应地做出检讨书,如果连续一周得到良或不合格的就会被罚值日一...


曹集镇中心小学四年级 1 班段士莲。新的学期开始了,本期我是小学三年级的班主任,通过上学期的努力,四 1 班的孩子们在我的带领下已形成了较好的班风学风,在这个阶段往往只需推波助澜,即可让学生获得好成绩,制定工作计划如下 一 指导思想 以 学校工作计划 和 德育工作计划 为指导,认真贯彻落实 小学生守...