四年级下册知识点总结复习 2

发布 2024-02-12 00:25:10 阅读 7544



are my friends.因为they是人称复数他们,所以用are。 is maomao. she’s very nice.

this is ms. smart. she’s a nice is xiaoyong. he’s a clever pupilthis is…..介绍某人。

you answer the call?can+动词原形4. this is my aunt. she’s very nice.

this is my uncle. he’s very is my brother. he’s is my sister. she’s cute.

this is my friend. he’s very is…..he’s/she’s……


this?这是什么?(答句要用it’s开头的句子) a book about 关于。

ityour house? yes, it is. no, it isn’t.一般疑问句用什么问用什么答。

house is it?it’s the queen’s house. whose对谁的东西进行提问。queen’s house名词。


close to the queen’s to靠近。

bridge is falling down. be(am,is,are)+动词ing表示正在发生的事情。现在进行时态。


can ride a bike. amy can fly a kite. can +动词原形。

ride a bike骑自行车fly a kite

that,daming? it’s a robot. what’s that?

what’s this?回答都用it’s a ……day, robots will do everything.

they willdo the children our +动词原形4、next week is a holiday. what will you do, shanshan?询问某人将要干什么?


on monday, i’ll go swimming. on tuesday, i’ll play with my wednesday, i’ll go to the park. on thursday, i’ll do my homework.

on friday, i’ll visit my grandpa. on saturday, i’ll help my mother. on sunday, i’ll read my +星期几/will+动词原形。

is monday and tomorrow is tuesday.

module 4

saturday we’re going to h**e a picnic. on+星期be going to+动原,h**e a picnic举行。

野餐。you take your kite tomorrow? yes, i i won’t.一般疑问句,用什么问用什。

么答。why not? because tomorrow is friday.

用why问用because答。i will take my kite and my ball on saturday. will +动词原形on+星期几it will be sunny in beijing.

will be +形容词。

will it be hot in haikou? yes, it will. no, it won’t.一般疑问句,用什么问用什么答。

module 5

is—>was),(are—>were) )i he she it单三(was)you they we复数(were) am ten now, but i was two then.(now表示现在时态,用am。then表示过去时态用was) wasn’t fat.

she was thin.

weren’t old then. they were young.

it fat? no, it wasn’t. it was thin.一般疑问句,肯否定回答用yes/no)module6


you at the park yesterday? yes, i was. no, i wasn’ it sunny in london?

yes, it is. no, it isn't.

it sunny in london? yes ,it was. no, it wasn’t.

want to play in the sun. want to do sth.想要做某事。在太阳下用in。

was out with grandpa for our chinese lesson.我和爷爷去上我们的汉语课了。 it a big city then?

yes, it was. no, it wasn’t.

is he? he is in shenzhen. where对地方提问in +大地方。

park was small then. it is big now.遇到then用过去式遇到now用现在进行时。

module 7




1、yesterday was a holiday. it was a beautiful day.遇到yesterday动词用过去式。

2、we rowed a boat on the lake. row——rowed on the lake在湖面上3、we all had a very happy day. h**e——had

4、on monday amy phoned grandma. on +星期phone——phoned

5、i cooked noodles yesterday. cook——cooked yesterday过去式标志词6、i helped mum and i washed clothes. help——helpedwash——washed7、he didn’t help mum.


8、he played on the computer and he watched tv. play—playedwash—washed9、i love him.喜欢某人,him ,宾格他。

10、i talked with miss dog yesterday. talk-——talkedtalk with和——交谈11、i walked with miss cat yesterday. walk—walked walk with和—一起散步12、they listened to music.

listen—listened listen to music听**13、grandma cooked fish and cooked noodles. cook—cooked

14、what did they do last night? do—didlast night昨晚过去式标志。


had picnic last sunday. h**e—hadlast +时间(year month monday sunday)

it fun? yes, it was. no, it wasn’t.

一般疑问句,用什么问用什么答。3. we went there by bus.

go—wentby +交通工具。

4. and we saw some birds. they song beautifully.

see—sawsing—— some food and drank some drinks. eat—atedrink—drank

6. he was thin then. he is very fat 用于过去式,故用was, now用于现在时,故用is.

7. tell me about your picnic. about关于。

8. we ate lots of delicious food. eat—atelots of =a lot of许多加可数名词复数9.

i took some pictures and i made a poster. take—tookmake—made

10. last sunday dad went swimming. mum went to the supermarket.

grandma listened to did my homework. last+时间表示过去式go—wentlisten—listeneddo—did


a postcard from my cousin dalong. he lives in the 来自he是单三,所以lives

he live in new york?因为he是单三,所以用does, live in+地方,表示居住在某地。

he live in new york last year? yes, he did. no, he didn’t.

一般疑问句肯否定回答。 am on holiday in new york. on holiday度假in +大地方 you tr**el by plane?


went to a pop concert and a basketball game last week.因为last week是上周,故go用went.

you h**e a nice holiday? you go to hangzhou?

you visited the famous west lake? you see your friends lili in hongkang?



happened to your head?what happened to……?怎么了,发生什么事了?

and i went for a bike ride yesterday. went for a bike ride骑自行车。

you buy some water? no, we bought a watermelon.在疑问句中后面动词用原形。buy—bought

carried the watermelon on the bike. carry—carriedon the bike在自行车上。

you fall offyour bike? no, sam fell offhis bike. fall off意为跌落。

fall— took me and the watermelon to the hospital. take—tooktake…to…把某人、某物带到某地。

had lots of chocolate yesterday, so today he has got a stomach had two watermelons yesterday, so today he has got a stomach had a cold yesterday, and today she’s got a had a headache yesterday,and today she’s got a got=he/she has got意为患…… played games all day. all the day意为一整天。


pay 支付 paid paid eat 吃 ate eaten put 放置 put put hurt 受伤 hurt hurt steal 偷 stole stolen mean 表 意思 meant meant break 打破 broke broken bring 拿来 brought br...


1 焚烧处理垃圾的优缺点是什么?6 化学变化伴随的现象有改变颜色 发光发热 产生气体 产生沉淀物。答 火柴燃烧 铁钉生锈 白糖加热等。答 无色无味,比空气重,不支持燃烧。21 血液中的细胞好像运输兵,负责运输吸入的氧气和产生的二氧化碳。2 如果我们想要设计一个合理 清洁的垃圾填埋场,我们首先应考虑要...


一 动词转换。sit sittingrun runningswim swimming get gettingshop 二 交通工具。1 bybus2 bybike3 bymotorcycle4 bycar5 onfoot6 bytrain7 byplane询问做什么交通工具句式为 howdoyou ...