2019三年级起点六年级上册英语全册教案 新标准英语

发布 2024-05-06 13:55:06 阅读 1513

moudule 6 unit2 i`ve got some stamps from china 璇惧瀷绗笁璇炬椂瀵煎鐩爣 1.浼氬惉銆佽銆佽銆佸啓鏈崟鍏冪殑鍗曡瘝锛歠ork knife 2.鑳藉鍚噦鑰屼笖浼氳锛?

1).i`ve got a knife and fork and chopsticks. 2) i`ve got some stamps from china but i h**en`t got any stamps from canada.

绫讳技鍙ュ瀷銆?3.浼氱敤i`ve got鈥︽垨i`ve got鈥 ut i h**en`t got鍙ュ瀷璋堟唇涓汉鎵鎷ユ湁鐨勭墿鍝佺瓑銆?

4.閫氳繃鍚堜綔瀛︿範浣垮鐢熶綋楠屽埌鍚堜綔鐨勫揩涔愩?瀵煎鍒嗘瀽瀛︾敓鍦ㄥ凡缁忔帉鎻 **e got has got 鐨勫熀纭涓?

浼氱敤i`ve got鈥︽垨i`ve got鈥 ut i h**en`t got鍙ュ瀷璋堟唇涓汉鎵鎷ユ湁鐨勭墿鍝佺瓑閲嶇偣闅剧偣浼氳繍鐢ㄥ熀鏈彞鍨嬭皥娲戒釜浜烘墍鎷ユ湁鐨勭墿鍝併?瀵煎濯掍綋褰曢煶鏈恒佸崱鐗?涓讳綋鏉夸功 module 6 unit2 i`ve got some stamps from china i`ve got a knife and fork and chopsticks.

i`ve got some stamps from china but i h**en`t got any stamps from canada. 瀵?妗?


warmming up step1: modules 5涓殑姝屾洸鈥淚 can speak english.鈥?

step2: greetings t: who is on duty today ?


game: table tennis 1) 鍑虹ず娲诲姩5鐨勬寕鍥?2) 璁╁ 鐢烲ook and say 1.

甯堝厛绀鸿寖:for example, 鈥淚`ve got a tv.鈥?

2鍐嶇ず鑼冣淚 h**en`t got a football.鈥?


1. 甯堝厛璇碔`ve got a tv 鍐嶅紩瀵肩 1浣嶅悓瀛﹁ i`ve got a tv too and i `ve got a football 鍐嶅紩瀵肩 2浣嶅鐢熻 i h**en`t got a football but i`ve got a basketball 鍐嶅紩瀵肩 3浣嶅鐢熻 i h**en`t got a basketball but i`ve got a piano.

4)寮曞灏忕粍鍚堜綔瀛︿範 5)鍙竴缁勭敺鐢燂紝涓缁勫コ鐢熶笂鍙拌繘琛宻ay sentence鐨勬瘮璧?

step2锛氬憟鐜癝b娲诲姩2鐨勫彞鍨?1)teacher鎵嬫嬁灏忓垁銆佸弶瀛愩佺瀛愯 :look , i`ve got a knife and fork and chopsticks.

鍒╃敤瀹炵墿鏁欏鍗曡瘝fork knife 2) 灏嗘墜涓殑灏忓垁銆佸弶瀛愩佺瀛愰掑埌涓浣嶅悓瀛︽墜閲岋紝鍙戦棶锛?h**e you got a knife and fork or chopsticks? 2.

闅忔満璁茶вor鐨勭敤娉曘?3. 甯堝埄鐢ㄥ 鐢熸瀛愪笂鐨勫涔犵敤鍝佸彂闂細鈥淗**e you got鈥 r鈥?

3) 甯堝皢娲诲姩2涓殑鎸傚浘灞曠ず鍦ㄩ粦鏉夸笂骞剁粰瀛︾敓璁叉槑鈭氭垨x鐨勬剰鎬濄傝繘涓姝ヨ 鏄庢父鎴忚鍒欍?4) 涓や汉涓灏忕粍鍚堜綔瀛︿範鍏堣鍚堜綔锛屽啀鍙嚑缁勮疆娴佽〃婕斿璇濄?

step3锛氬涔燬b娲诲姩1 look listen and point 1) 甯堢粰瀛︾敓璇存槑鐪嬫椿鍔?鐨勫浘锛屾椿鍔?鐨勫璇濆唴瀹瑰氨鏄椿鍔?鐨勫浘。

2) 鍑虹ず闂

1銆?has the girl got a knife and fork or chopsticks? 2銆?

has theboy got a chinese kite or japanese kite? 3銆?has the girl got a book about america or a book about china?

4銆?has the boy got stamps from china or stamps from canada?

3) 鏀惧綍闊?4) 鑼冭瀵硅瘽(2閬? 5) 鍐嶆斁褰曢煶。

step4: 瀛︿範sb娲诲姩3 listen and repeat (1)甯堟斁褰曢煶 (2)鍐嶆斁褰曢煶。

step5锛氬畬鎴怉b缁冧範1 and 2 ss: sing the song.

answer the questions.

1)ss 鍏圠ook at the picture (2)妯′豢鑰佸笀璇粹?鈥淚`ve got a鈥﹀嚑涔庤瀹屾墍鏈夌殑鍥剧墖銆?3.

妯′豢鑰佸笀璇粹淚 h**en`t got a football.鈥濆嚑涔庤瀹屾墍鏈夌殑鍥剧墖銆?

ss:璁ょ湡 look and listen鏄庣櫧娓告垙瑙勫垯。

1銆?鍥涗汉涓灏忕粍look and say 2銆?鍏朵綑鍚屽鍒ゆ柇。

锛?锛夎窡璇籪ork knife 璺熻鍙ュ瓙。

锛?锛堿nswer the questions. 锛?

锛塖s涓榻愯 i`ve got a鈥 nd鈥 nd鈥︹濆埄鐢ㄦ 瀛愪笂鐨勫涔犵敤鍝佽繘琛岃璇濓紝宸╁浐鍙ュ瀷i`ve got a鈥 nd鈥 nd鈥︹?i`ve got a鈥 ut i h**en`t got鈥?


1.璁ょ湡鍚綍闊?2.璺熻瀵硅瘽(2閬? and answer the question 1. 鍏堝惉褰曢煶锛屽啀璇磋璋?2. 鎵撳紑涔﹁竟鐪嬭竟鍚?

do exercise 1 and 2

闈掗摐宄″競涓夊皬瀛︽ 瀵煎澶囪妯℃澘澶囪浜? 钂嬫槬鑹?鏃堕棿锛?013.10.16-

璇鹃鍏 ā鍧楃殑缁冧範璇惧瀷绗洓璇炬椂瀵煎鐩爣閫氳繃缁冧範璁╁ 鐢熸帉鎻″叚妯″潡鐭ヨ瘑鐐?瀵煎鍒嗘瀽瀛︾敓鍦ㄥ 涔犲叚妯″潡涓や釜鍗曞厓鐨勫熀纭涓婏紝宸╁浐鎺屾彙鍏 ā鍧楃煡璇嗙偣閲嶇偣闅剧偣涓嶅悓浜虹оh**e got 銆乭as got 鐨勭敤娉?瀵煎濯掍綋褰曢煶鏈恒佸崱鐗?

涓讳綋鏉夸功 i /we/you /they h**e got鈥?he/she/it has got 鈥?瀵?


浜屾淇敞涓銆乄armming up 1銆乻ing a song 2銆丟reeting 浜屻乸resentation 1銆佹暀甯堝憟鐜皍nit1鐨勯噸鐐瑰彞鍨嬨?涓?practice guide ss to do exercises.


teacher guide and explain

浜旓紟summary 鍏紟homework 1銆丆opy words five times 2銆丷ead text 涓銆丼s sing a song 浜屻佸垎缁勬湕璇诲彞鍨?涓夈佸仛缁冧範锛堜竴锛夈佽ˉ鍏ㄥ崟璇嶅苟璇戞垚姹夎锛?0% 1銆乧h pst cks 2銆乻 n 3銆乲n f 4銆乫 k 5銆乻 m day 6銆乸 stc rd 7銆乫r m 8銆乫r nd 9銆乻 nd 10銆丄m r ca 鍥涖佹嫇灞曠粌涔狅細閫夎瘝濉啓锛屽苟灏嗕唬鍙峰~鍏ュ彞棣栨嫭鍙峰唴锛?

0% 锛?锛?銆?

you got a kite? (a銆丠**e b銆丠as) 锛?锛?

銆丼he a postcard. (a銆乭**e got b銆乭as got) 锛?锛?

銆丄my鈥檚 father three brothers. (a銆乭**e got b銆乭as got) 锛?锛?

銆丏aming鈥檚 mother has brothers.(a銆乤 b銆乼wo) 锛?锛?

銆両 some chopsticks.(a銆乭**e got b銆乭as got) 锛?锛?

銆乄e fly the kites the park. (a銆乮n b銆乷n) 锛?锛?

銆丏aming my friend. (a銆乮s b銆乤re) 锛?锛?

銆丼he鈥檚 got email. (a銆乤 b銆乤n) 锛?锛?

銆両 got a football. (a銆乭**en鈥檛 b銆乭asn鈥檛) 锛?锛?

0銆丆hopsticks difficult. (a銆乮s b銆乤re) 浜斻佹寚鍚嶅鐢熸荤粨鏈鐭ヨ瘑鐐?鍏佹妱鍐欏搴綔涓?


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