
发布 2023-10-23 03:10:05 阅读 1727

u1 my family

四会单词:mother 妈妈 father 爸爸 grandfather 爷爷 grandmother 奶奶。

parents 父母 brother grandparents 祖父母 uncle叔叔。

aunt 婶婶 cousin 堂兄弟 sister妹妹farmer 农民

worker 工人 driver 司机 doctor 医生 nurse ** cook 厨师。

四会句子:1.--are those your grandparents?

--yes, they are. /no, they aren’t.

2.--who’s that boy behind your parents? -he’s my brother tim.

3.--is she emma’s motheryes, she is.

4.--what does your father dohe is a driver.

u2 mascots

四会单词:ring 戒指 shell 贝壳 mascot 吉祥物 friendship band 友谊带

soft toy 毛绒玩具 necklace 项链 silver bell 银链子 in 在。。。里面

on 在。。。上面 under 在。。。下面 behind在。。。后面

四会句型:1. there is an elephant on the wardrobe

2. there are two elephants on the wardrobe.

3. i h**e got a ring.

4. he/she/tim has got a shell.

5.--h**e you got a mascot?

yes, i h**e. /no, i h**en’t.

6.--has he/she got a mascot?

yes, he/she has. /no, he/she hasn’t.

u3 time

四会单词:eight clock 八点 five past eight八点十分 ten past eight八点十分。

quarter past eight 八点一刻twenty past eight八点二十

twenty - five past eight八点二十五 half past eight八点半

twenty five to nine八点三十五 twenty to nine 八点四十。

quarter to nine八点四十五ten to nine 八点五十

five to nine 八点五十五 get up 起床 go to school 去上学

school starts开始上课 school ends 放学 go to bed 去睡觉。

四会句型:1. -what’s the time? =what time is it? -it’s eight clock.

2. i get up at seven o’clock.

3. i go to school at ten to eight.

4. school starts at half past eight.

5. school ends at ten to five.

6. i go to bed at nine o’clock.

u4 what do you collect

四会单词:collect收集 stamp邮票 sticker贴纸postcard明信

comic连环漫画 football picture足球** autograph亲笔签名

四会句型:1.--what’s this ?

---it’s a stamp.\ it’s an autograph.

2. -what are these ? they are stamps.

3. -what do you collect?

---i collect stamps.

4. -do you collect stickers?

yes, i do. (i like stickers.)

-no, i don’t. (i don’t like stickers.)

5. -how many h**e you got?

about five hundred.

6. he/she doesn’t collect comics.

7. -how much is the dress?

99 dollars. /99.

u5 party

四会单词:plum李子,梅子 pear梨子 apple苹果 banana香蕉 bread面包

orange 橙子 candy糖果 cake蛋糕 noodle面条 juice果汁。

hot dog热狗 ice cream冰淇淋 chocolate巧克力chewing gum口香糖。

四会句型: am going to buy chocolates.

2. -what are you going to do on saturday?

--i am going to see my grandparents.

3 --what shall we do? -let’s hide behind the bushes

4. -what day is it today? -it is saturday

5.--what are the children doing?

---they are h**ing a garden party at tony’s home.

6. -what do they do then? -they play football.

7. -what happens? -the window gets broken.

8. -what do we need? -we need hot dogs and bread.

9. -what about bananasgreat idea

10 .i can bring the bread / a cake.

u6 dreams

四会单词: always 总是 usually通常 often 经常 sometimes 总是。

never 从不 ******** 三角形 square 正方形 rectangle 正方形。

circle 圆形 ghost 鬼魂 dream 梦到 doctor 医生。

talk to friends 和朋友说话 tr**el around the world 环游世界

四会句型: often dream i can fly.

often dream i can talk to animals.

sometimes dream i can tr**el around the world.

sometimes dream i am a doctor.

never dream i h**e got a little sister.

never dream about my friends.

never dream about ghosts.

you often h**e dreams?

do you often dream about?


第三课时 授课人 时间 2011.10.20 教学内容 join in 教学用书2 第21页 part 5,part 6 教学要求 1 理解故事大意 2 能根据句子指令,做出相应的动作 3 能听录音,说出句子或关键词 4 尝试进行故事片段的表演。教学重点 掌握简单的相关句子。you are hot ...


1 直接写出得数。2 竖式计算。1 0.58 0.0252 4.194 1.4 商精确到百分位 3 脱式计算 能简便算的要简便算 4 解方程。1 7x 3 8.192 4x 0.5x 0.7 3 3.5 6 3x 11.4 5 列式计算。1 3.6减去0.8的差乘1.8与2.05的和,积是多少?2 ...


五年级上期语文复习资料。给下列括号前的字选择正确的读音画 踮 di n di n 起脚尖真酸 su n shu n 支撑 ch n ch n 暂 z n zh n 时水浒 x h 传绿 l l 林好汉。过瘾 y n y n 囫 h w 囵吞枣黯 n y n 然神伤。沉甸甸 di n di n 磁 c...