
发布 2023-10-23 03:15:05 阅读 5752

unit 4

话题功能。周末活动(weekend activities)

新授。询问对方上周末感觉如何及回答-howwas your last weekend?- it was…/my last weekend was….

询问对方上周末做了什么及回答- what did you do last weekend?- i….

复现。询问对方周末通常做些什么及回答- what do you often do on the weekend?- i often…. it’s….

询问对方放学后通常做些什么及回答- what do you do after school?- i often…. it’s….

询问对方在家里通常做些什么及回答- what do you do at home?- i often…. it’s….可数名词单复数。

stay at home, go to my english class, visit my grandparents, play withmyfriends,playsports,singsongs,drawpictures,playchess,readbooks, dance, feed the fish, water the plants, cook dinner, walk the dog,listen to music, watch tv, clean the room, wonderful, cool, interesting,great

语法词汇。动词过去式的规则变化–ed, -d, -ied

一些规则行为动词的过去式:cleanedthewindow,watchedtv,climbed a hill, visited grandparents, danced, jumped rope, listenedtomusic,rowedaboat,playedcomputergames,washedclothes,stayed at home, played the piano, played chess形容词:boring

理解词汇:won(win的过去式),play with


unit 5


询问对方曾经的一次度假的感受及回答- how was your summer vacation?- it was….

询问对方曾经的一次旅行的地点及回答- where did you go?- i went to…with….动词过去式的不规则变化。


复现。询问对方什么时候去旅行及回答- when did you go?- i went there….

询问对方在某地做了什么及回答- what did you do there?- i….




不规则动词的过去式:went to the beach, drank cold drinks, swam, ateclimbedthehill,rowedaboat,visitedmanyplaces,watchedtv,ice-cream,boughtsomegifts,tookphotos,sawflowers,slept,feltjumped, playedhappy

理解词汇:disneyland, mickey mouse, the sydney opera house, yellowmountain, camper


unit 6


询问并回答出生日期- when were you born?- i was born on…

就成长过程询问及回答?- when did you…?-i…when i was….

what did you learn to do when you were…?-i learned to…when i was….

谈论成长。 tell me your growing-up stories and talk about your photos.- i….


i…when i was…years old.

重点词汇:was born, started to speak, learned to walk, went to nursery,learnedtorideabike,wenttoschool,learnedtoswim,fifteenth,startedtobuythings,startedtostudyenglish,startedtouseacomputer, bought

理解词汇:all over, out of, into, chopsticks, wet


photo,wentto,speak,walk,cook,washclothes,rideabike,swim,study english, use, computer数字词汇,如2006,2007;


月份词汇:january,february,march,april,may,june,july,august,september, october, november, decemberst发音[st],如star日期的表述on january 1st


what did you learn to do?- i….

个人情况(personal background)

复现。语音字母组合sp, sk发音[sp],[sk],如spring, sky

unit 1



what’s wrong?i’ve got a stomachache.询问别人的建议或意见what should i do?表达建议。

you should go to bed early.

you shouldn’t eat too much candy.情态动词should/shouldn’t

重点词汇:too much, candy, go to bed, early, exercise, tired, drink, before, dirty,always, what’s wrong, stomachache, headache, toothache, cold理解词汇:sleepy, mark, subject, advice



what do you want for breakfast?i want bread and milk.

谈论活动。what do you often do after school?i often play basketball.

语法词汇。some milk, much candy

食物:ice-cream, meat, rice, noodles, fish, chicken, egg,vegetables, fruit

活动:jump rope, play sports, draw pictures, play chess, singsongs, play football, fly a kite, swim, make a model plane,make a snowman, listen to music, watch tvea发音:tea, meat, clean

语音。ea发音:head, bread, sweater, weather, healthy, he**y

unit 2


how are you going to celebrate it?i am/we are going to …询问并回答节日的时间when is …?it’s on …


what do you often do on that day?we often….


序数词:first, second, third, fifth, tenth, twelfth, twenty-fifth,plant, celebrate, make a poster, h**e a picnictogether, special

字母组合dr, tr发音drink, dress, drivertrain, tree, trip



what’s your f**ourite special day?询问对方对节日的喜好及问答。

what special day do you like? i like….do you like…? yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

词汇。read some books, buy flowers, climb a hill, fly a kite, h**e aparty, go to the park, sing and dance, clean the bedroom, cleanthe office, do some chores, 12个月,星期一到星期日。

语音。unit 3


what would you like to do?-i would like to …询问意愿的选择性句型。

would you like to … or …?i’d like to …

新授。****** contact

复现。询问对方最喜欢的节日及回答- what’s your f**ourite special day?- my f**ourite special day is….

请求对方帮助的句型can i help you?

询问并回答表示意愿的句型- what do you want to do on…?-i want to….

词汇。****:sendanemail,writealetter,makeaphonecall,makeashort各种节日message, mail a present, make a video callgo to the park, h**e a picnic, make a card, plant tree, climb the hill,say, love, make a card, row a boat, wearweekend理解词汇:

everywhere, a lot of , flower show字母组合igh和ight: high, sigh, night, light, right语音。


1 直接写出得数。2 竖式计算。1 0.58 0.0252 4.194 1.4 商精确到百分位 3 脱式计算 能简便算的要简便算 4 解方程。1 7x 3 8.192 4x 0.5x 0.7 3 3.5 6 3x 11.4 5 列式计算。1 3.6减去0.8的差乘1.8与2.05的和,积是多少?2 ...


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