五年级模拟 二小

发布 2023-10-27 06:50:03 阅读 8587







) bc.

)2. .abc.

)3. .abc.

( )4. .a. bc.

)5. .ab. c.


) 1. a. brotherb. themc. let

) 2. a. drinkb. dressc. train

) 3. a. lateb. green c. grape

) 4. a. plateb. paintc. practice

) 5. a. worryb. easyc. worried

二、找出与句子相符的正确的图画,并按听音顺序将编号填入括号 (10分)


( )1. whose cat is it?

a. tony’s. b. tom’s. c. gogo’s.

)2. what is the date today?

a. it’s may 5th. b. it’s may 15th. c. it’s may 10th.

)3. will tom h**e a party at home today?

a. yes, he will. b. no, he won’t. c. no, he isn’t.

)4. what is the boy?

a. a student. b. a teacher. c. a player.

)5. what’s the weather like today ?

b. rainy. c. snowy.

)6. who cleaned the room?

a. me b. sister. c. grandmother.

( )7. what’s the food like in hk?

a. yucky. b. spicy. c. tasty.

)8. what happened to jenny?

a. she fell from the tree. b. she hurt her arm had a cold.


hello. we are going toto a newnextit’s very big andbut there won’t be a



1. wetrees yesterday.

2. i had ayesterday. ia doctor.

3. she’s

likesvery much.

5. xiyangyanga song last night.

thelike today? it’s very

b. 选择单词或短语完成句子,每个词只能用一次把序号填在括号里(10分)

)1. today is mondayis wednesday.

)2will the rain stop? tonight.

)3to our school.

)4. i saw ayesterday.

)5. i like fruit. how many __are there on the plate?

)6. will there be a __in your new house?

)7. it’s cold outside. please __your coat.

)8. the baby is sleeping. pleasethe tv.

)9. the room is very messy. jenny is going tothe room.

)10. there will be __it will be very cold next week.

a. when b. welcome c. snow d. clean up e. turn off

f. balcony g. the day after tomorrow h. snake i. cherries

j. put on k. tomorrow l. where

六。选择填空。a. 单项选择,把字母编号填在括号里。(12分)

)1. the day after tomorrow __cool and windy. .

a. isb. wasc. will be

)2. is there any milk in the bottle

a. yes, there is. b. no, there aren’t. c. yes, there will.

)3. there will bethis evening.

a. rains b. rainyc. rain

)4. what was the weather like yesterday

a. it will be cool. b. it was sunny. c. it’s hot.

)5he will eat rice.

a. what did he eat for dinner yesterday?

b. what will he eat for dinner tomorrow?

c. what will you eat for lunch tomorrow?

)6. what are these

a. it’s a box. b. they are boxes. c. they are over there.

)7. will it be cold next monday

a. yes, there will. b. no, it won’t. c. yes, it is.

)8. what are they going to do in a minute

a. they are going to the weather office.

b. they are going to hang up the clothes.

c. we are going to take out the trash.

)9. it’s very dark(黑暗). pleasethe light.

a. turn on b. turn offc. put away

b: it’s august 2nd.

a. what day is it? b. what’s the date today?

c. what month is it?

( )11. the clothes are on the sofa. pleaselater.


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