
发布 2023-12-24 22:50:12 阅读 8444





i. 听录音,在abc选项中选出你听到的句子:(念一遍,)

) how old were you when you went to primary school?

b how old were you when you went to school?

c how old were you when you went to middle school?

when was the first engine made in the world?

b how was the first engine made in the world?

c who made the first engine made in the world?

if you are shocked at something, you feel very surprised.

b if you are shocked at something, you feel very angry.

c if you are shocked at something, you feel very sad.


)4 a my mother didn’t tell me any interesting stories again.

b my mother didn’t tell us any interesting stories again.

c my mother couldn’t tell me any interesting stories any more.

5a i know about computers as much as my father does.

b i don’t know much more about computers than my father does.

c i know much more about computers than my father does.


你去英国学习一年后回到中国, 你的同学向你提一些问题。







i 从下面每小题的a、b、c、d四个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项(5分)

)6 it’s said that bad weather will influence people’s beh**iour.

a affect b interrupt c stop

)7 they were impressed by his sense of humour.

a good beh**iour b good appearance c ability to make something amusing

)8. these coins h**e a long history. they are valuable.

a. worth much money b. worth a little money c. worth nothing

)9 he returned to shenzhen last year.

a. went awayb. went on c. went back

)10 is it illegal for children under 16 to buy cigarettes in china?

a allowed by law b against the law c not polite


)11 we asked tom and mike, butcould offer any help.

a. both b. all c. none d. neither

)12 --would you like __to drink?


a. anything; i'm not thirsty b. nothing; i'm not hungry

c. everything; thanks d. something; thanks

)13 use your headyou’ll work out the problem.

a. )14 --how do you like the new film?

-- well, it’s quiteand i am reallyat it.

a. amazing; amazing b. amazed; amazed

c. amazing; amazed d. amazed; amazing

)15. his carelessnessthe forest fire should h**e been **oided.

a. resulting in b. caused by c. being brought d. led to

)16. -i am __d**id will be able to find the library

---he has a pretty good __of direction.

a. sure; idea b. certain; feeling c. convinced; sense d. convincing; experience

)17 this is __song i’ve told you about. isn’t it __beautiful one?

a. the; theb. a; ac. the; ad. a; the

)18-- i lost the pen i usually write __could you lend me __

- certainly. here you are.

a. in; yourb. with; yours c. with; your d. on ; yours

)19 you'd better not __before the bus stops. _you may h**e an accident.

a. get off; so b. to get off; but c. get off; otherwise d. getting off; otherwise

)20-- it seems that jimmy __for several days.

- really? sorry to hear that. i hope he is __now.

a. has been ill, better b. is ill, bestc. was ill, good d. be ill, well

)21-- why didn't you come to school yesterday?

because my bike didn't __i had to h**e it___

a. work; repaired. b. support; repaired c. work; to repair d. support; to repair

)22-- excuse me. would you please tell me___to buy a second-hand car?

you can buy one in the market nearby.

a. what b. wherec. why d. when

)23 i __good marks if i __harder during the new term.


试卷 一 选择题 本题有10小题,每小题4分,共40分 请选出各题中一个符合题意的正确选项,不选 多选 错选,均不给分 1 若二次函数的图象经过点p 1,a 则a的值为 ab 1c 2d 4 2 抛一枚均匀硬币,落地后正面朝上 这一事件是 a 必然事件 b 随机事件 c 确定事件 d 不可能事件。3...


2016年浙江省温州市中考数学试卷。一 共10小题,每小题4分,满分40分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是符合题意的,请把正确的选项填在题后的括号内 1 计算 5 2 的结果是 a 7 b 7 c 3 d 3 2 如图是九 1 班45名同学每周课外阅读时间的频数直方图 每组含前一个边界值,不含...

2024年浙江省温州市中考语文模拟试卷 试卷

一 书写 5分 卷面分3分。写字,可以表现一个人的性格 修养。能写一手好字,可以让人赏心悦目,称羡不已。希望同学们能在这次检测中有一份完美的答卷。二 语文知识积累与运用 27分 1.根据拼音写出相应的汉字。4分 春日的秧苗y n 1 育着农人的希望。收获的季节,丰收的人家踏实地享受着秋日的ku 2 ...