
发布 2023-12-31 19:30:06 阅读 8105





一、听力。a、根据你所听到的内容选择正确的图画。听一遍。(5分) a


)6. a. good morning, johnb. good afternoon, john.

c. good evening, john

)7. a. the same to youb. that’s ok.

c. thanks a lot

)8. a. not at allb. sorry, i don’t h**e one.

c. that’s all right

)9. a. yes, it’s mineb. let me see. it’s about four.

c. it’s sunday today

)10. a. here they areb. under your bed.

c. they are yours.

c. 根据所听对话选择正确答案,听两遍。(5分)

)11. what colour is jim’s bike?

a. redb. whitec. green.

)12. who can help me?

a. amyb. katec. jim.

)13. how many girls are there in the class?

a. 30b. 22c. 52.

)14. can they swim?

a. yes, they can. b. no, they can’t. c. sorry, i don’t know.

)15. whose chair is red?

a. millie’sb. millie’s brother’s. c. their mother’s.


)16. there are __people(人) in kate’s family.

a. threeb. fourc. five

)17. _is chinese in kate’s family.

a. kate’s mother b. kate’s fatherc. kate’s brother

)18. kate and his brother go to school at __in the morning.

a. six thirtyb. seven tenc. seven

)19. jim and kate are in __

a. different schoolsb. the same school

c. the same grade

)20. kate and jim h**e some chinese __

a. fathersb. mothersc. friends



)1、i h**e lunch at school, but my motherlunch at school.

a、isn't h**e b、 hasn't h**e c、don't h**e d、doesn't h**e

)2、do you h**e___every day?

a、much homework to do b、many homework to do

c、much homeworks to do d、many homeworks to do

)3、ronaldo isfootball player.

a、the f**ouriteb、f**ourite c、her fovourite d、her the f**ourite

)4、katevolleyballin the match.

a、play, very wellb、plays ,very well c、plays ,very good d、play, very good

)5、where __andy __from?

a、does, is b、does, is come c、does, come d、do ,come

)6、miss li has long black hair and

a、wear glasses b、wears glasses c、wear glass d、 wears glass

)7、my friend likes to playfootball beforelunch.

a、the ,the b、 /the c、 the, /d、 /

)8、sometimes sandy with her friendstv at home.

a、watch b、watches c、 watching d、watched

)9、at the weekend, tom usuallyfor half an hour.

a、goes to run b、 go running c、 goes running d、 go to run

)10、simon and jim arefootball.

a、good at play b、good for play c、good at playing d、good for playing

)11、i h**efriends in suzhou.

a、lots of b、a lot c、a lots of d、much

)12、my bike is broken. can i __a bike __you?

a、 borrow ,to b、borrow ,from c、lend ,from d、lend ,to

)13、jill often __a kite in the sky(天空)on sunday.

a、fly b、flys c、flies d、 flying

)14、-does daniela bus to school every day?

a、go b、come c、take d、h**e

)15how do you say it in english?

i don't know.

a、 sorry. excuse me b、excuse me , sorry

c、 sorry , sorry d、excuse me , excuse me

)16are good friends.

a. lily, you and i b. you, lily and me

c. you, lily and i d. i, you and lily

)17、——it’s cold in the house. what can i do now ?

the door .

a. openb. closec. climbd. clean

)18do you want to go shopping?

after school.

)19、this is __classroomis over there.

yours your c. ours, yours yours

)20、i go home __5:30 __the afternoon..,at


1. we all know there are seven days in a w

2. we are now studying chinese, english, mand other lessons

3. kate is good at swimming. she is a mof the school swimming club.

often watches football mon tv.

and maryspeak) english very well.

girl wantsplay) football after school.

7. can lin taowatch) tv this evening?

8. my brotherh**e) lunch at school every day.

9. my最喜欢的)subject is english.

you like listening to**).


likes playing computer games.(对画线部分提问)


2. there are some cds and hair clips on the desk. (一般疑问句)

therecds and hair clips on the desk?

watches cctv news every day. (改为否定句)

hecctv news every day.

are two policemen at the gate. (对划线部分提问)

policemen are there at the gate?

birthday is on may 6th ,1996.(同意句转换)

imay 6th ,1996.

ming is on huanghe football team.

li ming ishuanghe football team.(同上)


1. my mother oftenwatch ) tv after supper .


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一 填空题。1 如果向东运动5米记作 5米,那么向西运动6米记作。2 比海平面低20m的地方,它的高度记作海拔。3 4的相反数是 6的绝对值是 0的相反数是 4 在数轴上距原点3个单位的点所表示的数是 5 若代数式2x2 3x 7的值是12,则代数式4x2 6x 10的值应是 6 当x 时,7 a是...


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