
发布 2024-01-06 02:40:07 阅读 7477











doorlight fifty quiet science

board music friend fan computer


)1. a. thirty b. fifty c. four d. too

)2. a. math b. english c. book d. chinese

)3. a. blue b. ruler c. green d. purple

)4. a. tallb. sports c. strong d. quiet

)5. a. notebook b. floor c. wall d. door

)6. a. apple b. big c. pear d. orange

)7. a. cake b. car c. bike d. plane

)8. a. crayon b. sharpener c. pend. picture

)9. a. catb. peach c. rabbit d. duck

)10. a. friend b. father c. brother d. grandpa


)1. 当有人问你“她叫什么名字?”,你回答:

a. my name is amy.

b. her name is amy.

c. his name is amy.

)2. 当你想告诉别人你有一个新朋友,你说:

a. i h**e a friend.

b. i h**e a new classmate.

c. i h**e a new friend.

)3. 下午和朋友见面,你说:

a. good morning.

b. good afternoon.

c. good evening.

)4. 当你想让别人看这张**时,你说:

a. look the picture.

b. b. look at the picture.

c. see the picture.

)5. 你想知道朋友说的人是学生还是老师,你问:

a. student or teacher?

b. student and teacher.

c. boy or girl?

)6. 当你想告诉同学你有42本故事书,你说:

a. i h**e thirty –two picture books.

b. i h**e forty-two story-books.

c. i h**e forty-two notebooks.

)7. 当你向别人介绍“他是短头发。”你说:

a. he has short hair.

b. he h**e short hair.

c. he is short hair.

)8. 当你想对父母说自己的朋友很文静,你说:

a. my friend is quiet.

b. my friend is strong.

c. my friend is tall.

)9. 当你想对朋友说“他喜欢**”,你说:

a. she like music.

b. she likes music.

c. he likes music.

)10. 当朋友对你说“how are you?”你回答:

a. fine, thank you.

b. i’m ten.

c. how are you?


1. i (h**e/has) a friend.

2. she (like/likes) music.

3. how many (book/books) do you h**e?

4. this is my (story book/story-book).

5. he has big (eyes/eye).

6. let (me/i) clean the desks.

7. my schoolbag (is/are) he**y.

8. this is (his/he’s) photo.

9. i (am/is) a boy.

you like apples? yes, (i/he) do.


yesterday was sunday. i went to the park with my friends. first, we played football.

i fell over. but it didn’t hurt. we were thirsty and bought some ice creams.

then we went for a bike ride. we were very fast. i fell off my bike.

my head was hurt.

1. yesterday was monday. (

2. we played football. (

3. we bought a watermelon. (

4. i fell off my bike. (

5. i hurt my head.(


1. do you h**e new shoes?

2. who’s your math teacher?

3. he’s thin and short. he’s very kind.

he like?


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