
发布 2024-01-06 02:45:07 阅读 8392



一。 listen and number.(请根据听到的内容为下列**排序。)(10分)

二。 listen and tick.(请根据听到的内容在相应**下的括号里画“√”表示。)(12分)

三。 listen and judge. (请判断下列**是否与所听到的内容相符,相符用“√”表示,不相符的则用“×”表示。)(8分)

四。 listen and draw “√请根据听到的内容在相应的**里画“√”表示。)(10分)


五。 read and write.(读一读,按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。) 10分)

1. peach (复数形式2. old (反义词。

3. we will (缩略形式 not (缩略形式。

5. h**e not (缩略形式。

六。 read and number.(读一读,将句子标号填到相应的**下。)(10分)

1. there are five oranges.

2. he’ll be a bus driver.

3. this house is very old.

4. you’ll see tower bridge.

5. this little girl can’t do her maths.

七.read, choose and write. (读一读,选一选,写一写。)(10分)

1. will wepears? yes, we will

2. is there athere? yes, there is.

3. maybe i’ll be a

4. look at this book. it’s about___

5. what’s ten plus ten

八.read and choose. (读一读,将正确答案的标号写到括号里。) 10分)

)1. this weekend, we’ll __fruit.

a. pickb. pickingc. picks

)2. he’ll go to the shop __his father.

a. andb. withc. for

)3. xiaoyong will be __astronaut in the future.

a. anb. ac. the

)4. there are many oranges. let’s count __

a. itb. themc. they

)5. my grandpa __in the countryside.

a. liveb. livingc. lives

)6. they __the park.

a. going to b. will goc. won’t go to

)7. xiaoyong is a bit quiet. but sam is very __

a. cleverb. tallc. loud

)8. it’s very wide and long. it’s __

a. the london eye b. big benc. the river thames

)9. look __the apples on those trees!

a. forb.

)10. what will you see?

a. no, i won’t. b. i’ll go to london. c. i’ll see tigers.

九.write the sentences correctly. (连词成句,注意标点符号和字母的大小写。)(10分)

1. a but shy bit she’s .

2. i’ll a maybe writer be .

3. this what you do will weekend ?

4. be will you in what future the ?

5. going fruit a we’re to go farm to .

十.read and circle.(读一读,将正确答案的标号写到括号里。)(10分)

after dinner, the children are talking about(谈论) what they want to be in the future. amy says ,‘i will be a model(模特). i want to wear beautiful clothes.

’ jack says,‘i will help a lot of people. i want to be a doctor.’ simon says, ‘i am going to be a teacher.

i love children.’lingling says ,‘i will be a writer. i love books.

’ lucy says ,‘i like films. i’ll be a film star.’

)1. how many children are there in this paragraph(文章)?

a. there are sixb. there are five.

)2. what will amy be?

a. she’ll be a doctor. b. she’ll be a model.

)3. what will simon be?

a. he’ll be a teacher. b. he’ll be a businessman.

)4. will lingling be a writer?

a. yes, she willb. no, she won’t.

)5. will jack be a doctor?

a. yes, he willb. no, he won’t.

听力内容。. listen and number.(请根据听到的内容为下列**排序。)(10分)

1. will lijie be a policeman? no, maybe she’ll be a teacher.

2. what will you do this weekend? we’ll go to the station.

3. this girl can’t do her english. i will help her.

4. this is my friend, parrot. he’s very loud.

5. what will you be in the future? i’ll be a policeman.

. listen and tick. (请根据听到的内容在相应**下的括号里画“√”表示。) 12分)

1. how many peaches are there? there are nineteen.

2. this is maomao. she’s very nice. but she’s a bit shy.

3. what will you see in the countryside? -we’ll see pigs.


2013 2014学年度第一学期阶段性测试。四年级英语检测试卷。姓名年级成绩。亲爱的同学们,经过两个月的学习,你一定又学会了很多知识。相信你今天会有出色的表现!希望你仔细听老师读题,认真写字,保持卷面整洁。准备好了吗?赶快动笔吧!听力 60分 一 听一听,写出正确的序号 10分 二 听一听,连一连。...


名 题 三年级英语试卷。一 写出所给单词的小写形式并在括号内写出汉语意思。15分 1.red2.desk3.it4.now5.my5.to the window.6.sit down,please.姓答 二 英汉短语连线。15分 youa.坐下得 downb.起立。namec.一只红色的狗。4.st...

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