外研版三年级下册1 5模块重点句型

发布 2024-01-23 22:15:09 阅读 8433

module 1 句型。

unit 1 it’s the abc song. unit 2 my f**ourite colour is yellow.


a: what’s your f**ourite song? b: my f**ourite song is the abc song.

你最喜欢的歌曲是什么? 我最喜欢的歌曲是abc歌。

a: what’s your f**ourite colour? b: my f**ourite colour is yellow.

你最喜欢的颜色是什么? 我最喜欢的颜色是黄色。

module 2 句型。

unit 1 they’re monkeys. unit 2 that man is short.



a:what’s this? b:it’s a lion.

这是什么? 它是狮子。

a:what are they? b:they are tigers.

他们是什么? 他们是老虎。

2、用形容词描述动物或人物的特征: 主语+be动词+形容词。

this man is tallthat man is short.


this monkey is small and thin. that monkey is big and fat.

这只猴子是小的和瘦的。 那只猴子是大的和胖的。

module 3句型。

unit 1 i like football. unit 2 i don’t like riding my bike.


i like footballi don’t like football.


i like basketballi don’t like basketball.


i like table tennis. i don’t like table tennis.


i like morning exercise.


i like swimmingi don’t like skipping.


i like skippingi don’t like riding my bike.


module 4句型。

unit 1 do you like meat? unit 2 does lingling like oranges?


a: do you like meat? b: yes, i does. /no, i don’t.

你喜欢吃肉吗是的,我喜欢。/ 不,我不喜欢。

a: does he/she like bananas? b: yes, he/she does. /no, he/she doesn’t.

他/她喜欢吃香蕉吗? 是的,他/她去。 不,他/她不去。

module 5句型。

unit 1 she goes to school on mondays. unit 2 does your mum go to work on saturdays?


he/she goes to school on mondays.


a: does your mum go to work on saturdays? b: yes,she does. /no,she doesn’t.

你的妈妈星期六去上班吗是的,她去。 不,她不去。

my mum goes shopping on saturdays. 我的妈妈星期六去购物。

my dad plays football on saturdays. 我的爸爸星期六去踢足球。

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