
发布 2024-01-27 00:05:03 阅读 2897


a, t,e, r,m,l,n,o,w,e r,e,d,e i,g,l,r o,n,i,l

o,c,l,k e,r,a, p o,s,g,e,o t,r,e,s,i,s


a、thirteen b、twelve c、fifteen d、sixteen e、twenty

1. five + ten2. seven + nine3. eighteen – five =

4. four + eight5. eleven + nine =

六、找出与所给单词同类的一个,将序号填在( )里。(5分)

)in 1、a、taxi b、bus c、under d、jeep

)plane 2、a、eighteen b、sixteen c、ninteen d、taxi

)bear 3、a、deer b、coke c、coffee d、milk

) green4、a、pear c、orange d、white

)prc 5、a、vcd b、cd c、tv d 、usa


1、entrance 2、push 3、exit 4、men’s 5、make a keyboard

6.excuse me. 7、男孩 8、妈妈 9、桃子 10、椅子。


1. who’s that man? he is my father.

2. hello,i am amy. i’m from america.

3. how many books do you h**e?i h**e fourteen.

4. the duck is in the box.

5. this is a mouse. it’s small.

6、my bag is in the desk.


a.kick the ball. b. fly the kite. c. drink some water.

e. make your arms long. f. pour the tea.



( )1is that woman---she is my english teacher .

a where b who c what

( )2、--how many kites can you see?.

a . i h**e 12. b. i can see 12. c. i’m 12.

( )3、i __a new friend .her name is alice .

a am b h**e c has

( )4、--who is that manis my uncle .

a i b he c she

( )5、--i __pears. mike __bananas.

a likes, likes b like, like c like, likes,

) 6、--i __big eyes. my brother small eyes.

a. h**e has b. has has c. has h**e

) 7、i’m tall. i can___the apples.

a eat b carry c get

( )8、do you like __

a peach b peaches c peachs


)what’s your name1. i’m 10 years old.

)how are you2. i h**e 12.

) how old are you3. i’ m amy .

) who is that man4、thank you.

( )how many dogs can you see? 5、good idea

)happy children’s day6、he’s my father.

)how many crayons do you h**e? 7、certainly

)where is my can see 5.

)can i h**e some apples, please? 9. it’s on your desk.

( )let’ fly the fine, thank you.


1. 老师欢迎同学们返校,该怎样说

a. this is our school. b. welcome back to school.


a. how many books do you h**e? b. how many birds can you see?


a. oh! how beautiful! b. wow! how big!

4. 六月第二个星期日是母亲节向你妈妈说什么

a. happy mother’s day. b. happy women’s day.

5. 请客人吃水果应该说

a. h**e some juice. b. h**e some fruits.


a:hello! i’m john . what’s your name?

ba:where are you from?

ba:look! i h**e a toy elephant .

ba:look, it has a long nose.

b: may i h**e a look ?

ab: thanks .a十。

五、阅读短文,判断对错。对的写t ,错的写f。(共12分)

hello! my name is yang hao. i am a boy.

i’m in class two, grade three. i’m tall and thin. i h**e big eyes and small ears.

i like hamburgers and pears. i h**e a good friend. he is wang jun.

i’m twelve years old. he is thirteen years old. he is strong.

he likes playing ping-pong. we are good friends.


试卷分析。pep三年级下册unit 1 welcome back to school 优点 对于基本单词cat,bag,china,canada,uk,usa etc.和基本句型 i m from 的掌握比较好,大部分同学能够正确的理解单词以及句子的意思并且能正确使用。能够正确的使用 he 和 sh...


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