
发布 2024-01-27 00:10:04 阅读 9201


pe体育music**maths数学art艺术computer class计算机课we我们that那,那个。

二、句子。1. -what classes do you h**e on monday?你们星期一有什么课?

- we h**e english and music.我们有英语和**。

2. -what classes do you h**e on monday?你们星期一有什么课?

- we h**e chinese, art and science.我们有语文,美术和科学。3.

-do you like pe?你喜欢体育吗?--yes, i do.


4. we h**e five pe classes and three science classes a week.我们一周有五节体育课和三节科学课。

5. tuesday is my f**ourite day.星期二是我最喜欢的一天。

6. we h**e maths, chinese, pe and science on tuesday.我们星期二有数学,语文,体育和科学。


1. -what classes do you h**e on +星期?

- we h**e +学科名称。


- we h**e chinese, art, english and pe.我们有语文,美术,英语和体育。2.

-do you like +科目名称?--yes, i i don’t.

eg: -do you like english?你喜欢英语吗?

--yes, i do.是的,我喜欢。--do you like maths?

你喜欢数学吗?--no, i don’t.不,我不喜欢。



二、句子。1. -do you h**e a computer room in your school?你们学校有计算机室吗?

-no, we don’t. but we h**e computers in our classroom.不,我们没有。但是我们教室里有电脑。


- yes, we do. it’s on the first floor.是的,我们有。

它在一楼。3. we love our school.


4. we h**e a science room, an art room and a libraryon the firstfloor.

在一楼我们有一间科学教室,一间美术教室和一个图书馆。5. -where is it?它在哪?

- it’s on the first floor.它在一楼。

6. don’t eat in the computer room.别在计算机室吃东西。

7. please wear sports shoes in the gym.请在体育场里穿运动鞋。


1. -do you h**e + a/ an +学校设施名称?--yes, we we don’t.

eg: -do you h**e a music room?你们有**教室吗?

--yes, we do.是的,我们有。2.

it’s on the +序数词floor.

eg: it’s on the second floor.它在二楼。3. don’t +动词(短语)原形(+其他).

eg: don’t shout in the hospital.不要在医院大声喧哗。4. please动词(短语)原形(+其他).

please do your homework withe black pen.请用黑色笔写家庭作业。



play chess下棋dance跳舞sing songs唱歌read books读书really确实tomorrow明天wake up叫醒be back回来play football踢足球。

fly a kite放风筝ride a 、句子。

1. -what are you going to do after school?放学后你打算做什么?

- i’m going to play sports after school.放学后我打算去做运动。

2. -what’s he going to do after school?放学后他打算做什么?

--he’s going to read books after school.放学后他打算看书。

3. -what’s lily going to do?莉莉打算做什么?

--she’s going to sing a song.她打算去唱歌。4.

tomorrow morning i’m going to get up at six o’clock.明天早上我打算六点起床。

5. i’m going to play chess with bill at four o’clock.我打算四点和比尔下象棋。三、句型结构。

1. -what are you going to do(+其他)?

- i’m going to +动词(短语)原形(+其他).

eg: -what are you going to do tomorrow?你明天打算做什么?

--i’m going to go shopping with my mother.我打算和妈妈一起去购物。

2. -what’s he/ she/人名going to do(+其他)?-he/ she is going to +动词(短语)原形(+其他).

eg: -what’s he going to do?他打算做什么?

--he’s going to go boating.他打算去划船。

3.主语+ be (am/ is/ are) +going to +动词(短语)原形(+其他).eg:

lisa is going to make a snowman.丽萨打算堆个雪人。人教新起点三年级unit4知识汇总。





二、句子。1. -is she your aunt?她是你姑姑吗?--yes, she is.是的,她是。

2. -is that man your father?那个男人是你爸爸吗?

- no, he isn’t. he’s my uncle.不,他不是。

他是我姑父。3. she’s beautiful.

她很漂亮。4. can you help me?


5. -what does he look like?他长得什么样?

- he has short hair and big eyes.他有着短头发和大眼睛。6. -is he tall?他高吗?

- no, he’s short.不,他很矮。7.

-thank you very much.非常感谢。--you’re welcome.


1. -is + he/ she/人+ your称呼?

- yes, he/ she he/ sheisn’t.

eg: -is that girl your sister?那个女孩儿是你的妹妹吗?

--yes, she is.是的,她是。2.

-what does he/ she look like?--he/ she has +人物特征。

eg: -what does he look like?他长得什么样?


3. -is he/ she +表示人物特征的形容词?--yes, he/ she he/ she isn’t.

eg: -is she thin?她很瘦吗?--yes, she is.是的,她很瘦。人教新起点三年级下册unit5知识汇总。

一、词汇。cooking dinner正在做饭walking the

listening to music正在听**watching tv正在看电视feeding the fish正在喂鱼play with与。玩耍。

in one hour一小时之后everyone每人;人人。


二、句子。1. -what are you doing?你正在做什么?--i’m watching tv.我正在看电视。

2. -what’s your sister doing?你姐姐正在做什么?

--she is cleaning her room.她正在打扫她的房间。3.

-what’s grandma’s doing?奶奶正在做什么?--she’s feeding the fish.


4. the children are playing in the park.孩子们正在公园里玩。

5. li lei is flying a kite.李雷正在放风筝。

6. zhou meng is playing football with his brother.周明正在和他的弟弟踢球。三、句型结构。

1. -what + be (am/ is/ are) +人称+ doing?

-人称+ be (am/ is/ are) +动名词(短语)(+其他).eg: -what is your father doing?

你的爸爸正在做什么?--he is reading news*****.他正在看报纸。

2.人称+ be (am/ is/ are) +动名词(短语)(+其他).eg:

cathy is cooking.凯瑟正在做饭。mike is washing her hand.


一、词汇。home家;家庭bedroom卧室living room客厅living room客厅dining room餐厅study书房kitchen厨房for rent供出租sofa沙发light灯;发光体bed床;床架;床垫door门;出入口。


二、句子。1. -where is my aunt?

我姑姑在**?--she’s in the kitchen.他在厨房里。

2. -what’s she doing?她正在做什么?

- she’s cooking with mu mum.她正在和我妈妈做饭。3. your living room is so nice.你的客厅真好看。

4. there is a kitchen, a dining room and a bathroom.有一个厨房,一间餐厅和一个卫生间。

5. there are two bedrooms.有两间卧室。

6. in the living room there is a big tv and a new sofa.在客厅有一个大电视和一个新沙发。三、句型结构。

1. -where + be (am/ is/ are) +人?--人称+地点。

eg: -where is your brother?你哥哥在**?--he’s in the study.他在书房。

- where are you?你在**?--i’m in the bedroom.我在卧室。2. there is/ are +人/物(+其他).

eg: there are four people in our family.我们家有四口人。

there is a big garden behind our house.我们家后面有一个大花园。


知识点梳理。1.单词。classmate 同学。from 从 来。canada 加拿大china 中国。britain 英国america 美国 friend 朋友 big 大的thin 瘦的。pretty漂亮的ugly 丑的 tall 高的short 矮的。2.句子。i h e a friend ...

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