
发布 2024-02-05 05:35:07 阅读 9770


1. what would you like for breakfast?i would like some bread.早餐你想吃点什么?我想来些面包。

2. what’s for dinner?some rice.晚饭是什么? 米饭。

3. what is jenny doing?jenny is watching tv.珍妮正在做什么?她正在看电视。

4. what are you doing?we are sitting in a chair.你们正在做什么?我们正坐在椅子上。

5. what are they doing?they are playing cards.他们正在做什么?他们正在打牌。

6. what time is it?it’s 4:30.几点了?四点半。

7. what’s in the house?a bed is in the house./there is a bed.什么在房子里?一张床在房子里。

8. do you always go to school?yes,i do./no, i don’t.你总是去上学吗?是的。/不是。

9. does jenny often walk to school?no,she doesn’t./yes, i do.珍妮经常走着去上学吗?不是。/是的。

10. where are you from?i’m from china.你来自**?我来自中国。

11. where is he from? he’s from canada.他来自** ?他来自加拿大。

12. how many classes are there each school day?six classes.

/four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.每天你们有多少节课。六节课。


13. what subjects do you h**e in your school?we h**e english,math,science,art…在你们学校你们有什么科目?


14. what’s the temperature?it’s 15 degrees.温度是多少?15度。

15. what’s your temperature? it’s 36.5 degrees.你的温度是多少?36.5度。

16. what’s the chicken’s temperature?it’s 41.5 degrees.鸡的体温是多少?41.5度。

17. what lesson does mr. wood teach?he teaches a science lesson.伍德老师教什么课?他教科学课。

18. is the chicken ill?no, it isn’t.鸡生病了吗?没有。

19. what can you see on the way to school?i can see many children.


20. when do you often go to bed?at 9:30.你经常几点去睡觉?九点半。

21. how’s the weather today?it’s rainy.今天天气怎么样?下雨。

22. what did you do yesterday?i played football.昨天你做什么了?我踢足球了。

23. did you h**e a good trip?yes, i did.你旅行愉快吗?是的。

24. what do you do on sundays?i read a book.周日你做什么?我读书。

25. what does li ming do on saturdays?he watches tv.李明周六做什么?他看电视。

26. how does he go to school?by bus./he goes to school by bus.他怎样去上学?他乘公共汽车去上学。

27. what do you like to do?i like to play on the computer.你喜欢做什么?我喜欢玩电脑。

28. what does he like to do?he likes to play cards.他喜欢做什么?他喜欢打牌。

29. where is your mother?she is in the kitchen.你的妈妈在**?她在厨房里。

will li ming go home?he will go home on june 25./on june 25.李明将要什么时候回家?他将要在六月25号回家。


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