
发布 2024-02-09 20:30:11 阅读 4929




there are three people in my family .


a. maths book d. kitchen


a. ow d. ur e. or

)11.wind12.c__ dy

)13.f __k14.f __mer

)15.n __se


)23、 desk

)24、 c. dinner

)25、 b. driver c. uncle player


)26.--what’s her name

a. my name is his name is her name is amy.

)27.she __a blue schoolbag.

a. h**eb. isc. has

)28.pass __the knife and fork.

a. ib. myc. me

)29.i __like some soup.

a. didb. wouldc. am

)30.i h**e afriend.



a. heb. he’sc. his

)32is the picture. -it’s near the window.

a. where

)33.it’s under the __desk.

a. teacher b. a teachers’

)34.--let __helpthank you.

a. you;meb. me;you c. my;your

)35.--she? -she is amy.


) friend is zhang

a、has b、h**e c、is

) she __the bedroom?

a、on. b、under c、in

) the keys?

a、am b、is c、are

)39.、there are five __in my home

a、people b、father c、mother

) would you like for dinner?__like some fish.

a、i’m. b、i c、i’d


)41、help yourself.

a、随便吃 b、让我来帮你吧。

)42、what’s in my schoolbag?

a、我的书包在哪儿? b、我书包里有什么?

)43、what colour is your pen

a、你的钢笔在**? b、你的钢笔是什么颜色?

)44、go to the a shower.

a、去浴室洗澡。 b、去卧室打盹。

)45、now let’s try it.

a、让我看一下吧。 b、咱们开吃吧。

七、.连词成句(10分), he , has , hair (.

2. i’d, soup, some, like (.

3. we, a, h**e ,classroom ,new (.

4. there, many, how, are, family, in, your, people (?

5. colour , it , is, what (?


hello, boys and girls. my name is lan mao. i am 10, i h**e a

friend, her name is hong tu. she has long hair, big eyes and ears.

she has a small nose and a big mouth. she is friendly. we are good friends.

1. lan mao is ten years old.

2. hong tu has a small nose.

3. lan mao is friendly.

4. hong tu has short hair.

5. lan mao and hong tu are good friend.


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