
发布 2024-02-12 09:55:13 阅读 2698

module 6 unit 1 can you run fast? 教案。

教学目标:1. 能听说读写单词can, run fast, jump high, far, ride.

2. 能听懂、会读、会说句型can you/he/she …?yes, you/he/she can. no, you/he/she can’t.

3. 能识别并根据提示书写单词can(can’t), run, jump.


能听懂、会读、会说句型can you/he/she …?yes, you/he/she can. no, you/he/she can’t.

功能:使用can 谈论能力。

教学环节:step 1: warm up.

t: hello, boys and girls. nice to meet you.

1. free talk.

2. boys and girls, before class, let’s do some exercise. let’s do together.


run, run, run, i can run.

jump, jump, jump, i can jump.

jump, jump, jump, i can jump high.

run, run, run, i can run fast.

t: eh, i feel nicely. i like sports very much. do you like sports?

s: yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

step 2: presentation.

一)new words


t: class, look, what’s this?

s: it’s a basketball.

t: who is he?

s: he is yao ming.

t: yao ming is a wonderful basketball player. he can play basketball.

can you play basketball?

引导学生回答:yes, i can.)

really?(故意装出不相信的样子)now, magic time.(变出一个篮球,问学生:)can you play basketball?

分别请两位同学上前表演,表演的同时,其他学生一起问:can you play basketball? 表演的同学回答yes, i can.)

师跃跃欲试)let me try. (师作出运球很糟糕的样子)oh, i can’t play basketball. but i can jump high.

(师作出跳高的动作,出示单词卡片jump high并领读)can you jump high?

s: yes, i can.

t: let’s pk. (两生比赛)

大屏幕出示小男孩跳远的**)this is my brother. he can jump far.(出示单词卡片jump far并领读)can you jump far?

let’s pk.(两生上前pk)

大屏幕出示刘翔跨栏**)this is liu xiang. he can run fast. can you run fast?(出示单词卡片run fast并领读,两生pk)

大屏幕出示骑自行车**)they can ride fast. can you ride fast? (出示单词卡片ride fast并领读,两生pk)

二)learn the text.

t: i can jump high. you can jump far.

do you know can amy run fast? can sam ride fast? let’s see together.

please open your book and turn to p22.

1. listen to the tape carefully. point and underline the new words.

2. listen again. try to answer these questions.

1) can amy run fast?

2) can daming jump high?

3) can lingling jump far?

4) can sam ride fast?


3. listen and repeat.

the text in groups. read the text by roles.


step 3: practice

同桌两人利用can you …?yes, i can./no, i can’t.句型进行对话。

step 4: homework

please make a survey. ask your classmates “can you …?

step 5:

love sports. love health.

总结评价:how many stickers h**e you got?


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