
发布 2023-10-30 17:34:07 阅读 1547

module 1


短语:1、a programme about china一个关于中国的节目。

2、many years ago许多年前。




i h**eapples.

i don’t h**eapples.

do you h**eapples?

5、lots of=a lot of 许多后面跟可数名词复数或不可数名词。

6、every day每天。

7、thank you for doing感谢你做了某事 thank you for talking to us

8、and和or 都表示“和”



about sb/sth 谈论某人/某物。


11. live in住在。

12. in china在中国。

13. .in a small (或big)house在一个小房子里。

14. enough food足够的食物

10. how about...怎么样?=what about ..怎么样?

11. .watch tv看电视。

12. .talk to sb 和某人谈话

13. .miss china想念中国

years ago四年以前


about her life谈论她的生活

a fire在火上

in the fields在田里干活

is+单数有。there was+单数有。there are+复数有。there were+复数有。

the chair在椅子上 on在。上面。

got 有 didn’t h**e/has got 过去没有。

sb 和某人一起

句子:1、we lived in a small house.

2、there weren’t many buses.

there be的过去时:

there was+a/an+可数名词单数+地点。有。

there was+a/an+不可数名词+地点。有。

there wasn’t many/any 没有。

there were+可数名词复数(s)+地点。有。

there weren’t many/any 没有。

3、we live in a big house.

4、there are lots of buses and cars.

5、he can jump really far.

6、she couldn’t read or write.

you for talking to us.

thank you for doing感谢你做了某事。

8、i hope you are well.

9、how about now?


五年级英语下册module 1测试练习题。

一、读单词找出划线读音不同的一个。 (共10分)

( )farm b. postcard c. party d. warm

( )play b. rain c. any d. wait

( )hear b. airc. hair d. pear

( )sad b. badly c. catch d. glass

( )control b. shop c. home d. hold


16write 17study 18teach 19drop 20come


1.(?there weren’t __buses. a. some? b. any c. one

2.(?we lived __a small house. a. at b. inc. on

3.(?yesterday i watched tv __my grandchildren.

4.(?thank you for talking___me. a. with ?

5.(?she __football yesterday. a. playing? b played? c plays.

6.(?it’s a programme __monkeys.

7.(?there __three books on the desk one year ago.

8.(?now there __lots of

9.(?many years ago there __any televisions.

10.(?many years ago we __h**e enough food.


(? a programme about china.


(? h**e got lots of food. a.我们有许多食物。 b.我们想要许多食物。

(? was very different in china many years ago.

a.多年前中国的生活和现在差别很大。 b.生活有了一些不同。

(? is changing. a.中国已经变了。 b.中国正在变化。

? )weren`t any 过去没有一辆公共汽车b.现在没有一些公共汽车。


seasons? days? weeks? months didn’t weren’t lived where what who

1、there are seven __in a week.

2、there are fifty-two __in a year.

3、there are twelvein a year.

4、there are four __in a year.

5、many years __any buses or cars.

6、tim __in a small house.

7、he __h**e enough food.

8、__are they? they are my friends.

9、__did you do? i played football.

10、__did you go? i went to the supermarket.


1. how is your are welcome.

2. thank i h**en’t.

3. h**e you got enough was in shanghai.


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