
发布 2023-12-20 19:25:08 阅读 2908

三l英语第三期测试卷 2012.6



1、 ho __se 2. gl_sses

6. sh__lf 8. l__dy 9. _pen 10. c__t

11. radi__ 12. w__ ter 14, dr__ss

16. t__ n 17. b__ t 1 8. _nder 19. p__st 20. f__ k

22 t__ble 2 3. h__de 24. p__mp 25. w__tch

26. f__ll 2 7. st__nd 28. sp __n 2 9. f__ce 30.




ab1、post this letter for me1、请稍等。

2、just a minute, please2、代我把这封信寄了。

3、how silly of you3、你真笨(傻)




any,how many ,which, there ,there, give

where, aren’t ,are, some, for )

a: are __any bananas in our refrigerator, mum?

b: no, therethere are some apples in it.

a: are there __sweets in our house, dad?

b: yesare __

aare they?

b: they’re in the jar.

a: _jar ?

b: the green one.

a: what’s in the basket, mummy?

bare some oranges.

a: it’s so he**yoranges are there in it?

b: there are thirty oranges in it, billy.

a: i’m very thirsty. please __me one.

b: take one and post this letter __me.

五、语音从 abcd中选出其划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。

1、teaa. breakfast b, ready c. head d. peach

2、trya. pretty b. my c. lady d. hungry

3、homea. both b, socks c. stop d. pocket

4、spoon a. book b, look c. school d. football

5、jumpa. blouse b, trousers c. touch d. mouth

6、showa. yellow b, how c. down d. brown

7、neara. there b. where c. here d. share

8、shelfa. five b, tight c. right d. high

9、isa. duster b, shut c. mum d. biscuits

10、standa. italian b, glass c. father d. banana


ab )1、play hide-and-seeka、替我拿住这把伞。

)2、hold this umbrella for me b、玩捉迷藏。

)3、pull the kitec、在学校,上学。

)4、at schoold、拉住风筝。

)5、count up to tene、一直数到十。

)6、two pieces of *****f、把伞折起来(收起来)

)7、eleven boxes of chocolates g、两张纸。

)8、make a blouse like that h、十一盒巧克力。

)9、fill the cup with teai、做一件像那样的衣服。

)10、fold up your umbrella j、给茶杯倒满茶。

)11、look through the telescopek、跳房子。

)12、pla hopscotchl、用望远镜看。

)13、listen to the radiom、把他的袜子扔进盆里。

)14、hold the stick between his teeth n、嘴里叼着棍子。

)15、throw his socks into the basin o、听收音机。


) sandy and sue.

a. in b. on c. with

) cat is __the tree.

b. in c. over

) billy?

b: he’s nine years old .

a. where b. how old c. how tall d. how

)4this kite for me please.

b. hold c. play

)5are the glasses?

a. whose b. what c. how

) a bird’s nest __out chimney.

a. on b. in c. over d. down

) water-basin is fullthe tap at once.

a. turn on b. turn off c. take off d. shut

) shirt is dirty. take it off and __the clean one.

a. put in b. put on c. put away d. put out

)9this news***** with you and give it to your father.

a. bring b. take c. le**e d. pass

)10.__this bird’s nest. there’s an egg in it.

a. listen to b. look at c. listen d. look


1. cat, look, that, at (.

2. don’t my, touch, head(.)

3. he, football, play, can(.)

4. are there, birds, the , in , tree(.)

5. dress, is, how , this , much (?


例:give me that book

give that book to me.

me your picture.

him this tie

them some bananas.


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