
发布 2023-12-24 21:05:12 阅读 3387


考生须知: 1.全卷满分为95分,考试时间90分钟。




温馨提示: 1. 带*的为生词,请查阅试卷中的小词典。



从a, b,c,d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. —mum, where is my cd player?

— look! it’s on __desk over there .

ab. ac. thed. an

2.—is this your driver’s license ?

—no, it’s not . my driver’s license is in the bag.

a. yourb. yours c. mine d. my

3.—when will come to beijing?

___september 5.

a. inb. at c. ofd. on

4.—_did you go to the park yesterday?

i went there by bus.

a. whatb. how c. why d. who

5.—i h**e a __i don’t feel like eating anything.

you should go to a dentist.

a. headache b. toothache c. coldd. cough

6.—would you like to go to the concert with me?

—i’d love to, _i’m afraid i h**e no time.

a. sob. orc. and d. but

7.don’t___students who make mistakes. we should help them..

a. laugh at b. talk to c. look after d. play with

8.— would you mind my sitting here?

a. no, of course not b. yes, sit down please

c. yes,pleased. no, you can’t take it

9.—could you tell me___john?

at 10:00 tomorrow morning.

a. when will you meet b. when did you meet

c. when you metd. when you will meet

10.this picture probably means

a. no smokingb. keep quiet.

c. no musicd. no food.


阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的a, b,c,d四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

srinivasa liked football very much. he came 11 a poor family and couldn’t go to a good school, but 12 changed his life. when he was 15 years old, he found a book about 13 .

it was a book with 6,000 very 14 problem. 15 srinivasa’s friends played football on the road in front of his house, he 16 these problems. he answered them all by himself— 17 any help from anyone else.

then he thought of 18 problems and answered them, too. soon, he was better at math than all his teachers.

19 a year, srinivasa was invited to study at university, even though he was really too young. 20 , he 21 most of his exams. why?

because he was only interested in math and didn’t care enough about his other subjects. then he wrote a book and 22 it to a magazine. a mathematician* read his book and started writing letters to him.

later, he invited srinivasa to go to 23 to study and work. in england, people didn’t 24 if srinivasa was good at other subjects .

by the time he was 30, srinivasa , a poor boy who liked math better than playing football, had become one of the world’s most 25 mathematicians.

11. a. fromb. forc. ofd. at

12. a. one pen b. one book c. one person d. one dream

13. a. physicsb. english c. mathd. chemistry

14. a. easyb. difficult c. ******d. interesting

15 a. sinceb. because c. whend. though

16. a. talked about b. read about c. copied down d. worked out

17. a. forb. withc. asd. without

18. a. newb. oldc. the latest d. the oldest

19. a. afterb. agoc. laterd. before

20. a. butb. andc. ord. however

21. a. didb. hadc. failedd. passed

22. a. sentb. bought c. gotd. borrowed

23. a. indiab. america c. england d. canada

24. a. careb. know c. wonderd. believe

25. a. outgoingb. serious c. common d. famous



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