
发布 2024-01-14 17:35:10 阅读 2628



命题人:钱慧审核人:姚凤 2012-6-5)

徐州。a) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。

friend of ▲ i) is getting married tomorrow.

2.look at the ▲ photo). how beautiful they are!

3.i know him probably ▲ well) than anybody else.

boy doesn’t show good manners to others. he is ▲ polite).

5. think his idea is worth ▲ consider).

b) 根据句子意思及汉语提示,写出所缺单词。

the ▲ 第二) turning on your right and you’ll see the museum.

▲ (声音) sounds sweet on the phone.

was ▲ 写) a report when the doorbell rang.

is no plant life ▲ 没有) lightning.

you get home, give a call to let me know you’ve ▲ 到达) safely.

镇江。a) 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,每空一词。

1. -it's very good that the girls' survey has been handed in. how about theboy)?

---i'm not sure. i'11 go and ask them to do it quickly.

2. last week, sheselect) a teddy bear as a birthday present for her daughter.

3. well done! you h**e worked out all these physics problemscorrect).

4. this city isbuild) a new library for the blind now.

5. young couples like to search the internet for somesuggest) on how to name their babies.

b) 根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空一词。

6. -what's the高度,身高) of jeremy shu-how?

-- i don't know. maybe he is shorter than yao ming.

7. do you know father's day is on the third sunday of六月) every year?

8. we all agree that the driver who drives after drinking wine should be惩罚).

9. some famous doctors provided有用的) treatment for "the most beautiful woman teacher"—zhang lili.

10. donations are welcome在……期间) the charity show that will be held in our school.

苏州。1. is this wood干燥的)enough to burn?

2. i’m so tired that i can几乎不)stay awake.

3. the cat was卧)fast asleep by the fire.

4. h**e you given the kids their bus车费)?

5. she掉落〉the plate and it broke into pieces.

6. the olympic team were given a英雄般的)welcome on their return home.

7. my grandma is in her八十多岁),but she can still take care of herself.

8. —how much does it cost?

i justfive dollars for it.

9. —could you tell me the a to the johnsons, please?

sorry, we don’t h**e a johnson here in the village.

10. —i oftento the song rainbow.

so do i. it sounds beautiful.

盐城。1. women in china are usually dressed in红色的) on their wedding day.

2. how容易) you will find it to use the mobile phone if you know the function!

3. the时装) show held by unicef last week was a big success.

4. seeing these old ladies get on the bus几个) students offered them their seats.

5. we need your help to筹集) money for those homeless children.

6. the traffic lights are控制) by a central computer.

7. the orbis volunteers were自豪的) to help so many blind people in need.

8. the naughty boy ran into the garden and吓唬) the little cat away.

9. “helpyou) to some fish.” lucy said to aunt amy politely.

of science has changed our world a lot.

11. chinese national teams areactive) preparing for london olympic games.

12. the boy is more than 2 metres inhigh) and he is good at playing basketball.

扬州。school is as beautiful as他们的)

2. nobodythat the shengzhou ix will help us know more about space. (怀疑)

3. yesterday was father’s day and it was just my cousin’s birthday. (二十)

4. as a citizen, we mustn’t do anything the law. (违反)

5. mr. wu always spends a lot of time things to us. (解释)

6. too many sweets are bad for teenagerstooth)

7. i asked her if she was ready to go, and shenod)

8. most people prefer days because they can enjoy themselves outside. (sun)

9. you can’t imagine how terrible the earthquake is******)

10. our english teacher will go abroad for education next month.(far)


l .british people eat a lot ofwhich are cooked in different ways.


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