
发布 2024-01-15 22:50:10 阅读 2337










1. what did d**id want?

a. b. c.

)2. what’s peter’s f**orite sport?

a. b. c.

3. where are they going?

4. what kind of clothes will kate buy?

a. b. c.

)5. which sign does the boy see?

a. b. c.



.who are the man’s parents staying with?

a. his sister. b. his brother c. his friend

.why doesn’t the man’s father like the city?

a. he likes to live alone. b. he likes the country life.

c. he hates the noise.


.when did the boy go to school this morning?

.how did the boy go to school this morning?

a. on by by bike.

many minutes was the boy late for school?

a. five fifty minutes. c. fifteen minutes.


11. when did the first laughter club open?

a. in 1996b. in 1994c. in 1995

12. where did the man who opened the first laughter club come from?

a. india b. americac. england

13. who is steve wilson?

a .the man opened laughter club.

b. the scientist who discovered that laughter is good for health.

c. the man who took laughter club to america.

14. which of the following is not true?

a. laughter is the same in any language.

b. laughter is good for us.

c. laughter is different in different languages.

15. how many laughter clubs are there around the world now?

a. less than 1,000 b. more than 1,000c. about 1,000



请从a,b,c,d 四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

16. lucy and i went to our hometown yesterday. we had good time there.

a. ab. anc. thed./

17. -mrs. white, how old is your son?

oh, he is 3 years old. and he can dress now.

a. himb. himself c. hisd. he

18. -how is everything?

-pretty good. your help, i get on well with others now. thank you, miss black.

a. underb. inc. withd. for

19.--do you know jim?

- jim? i don’t know him very __

a. oftenb. little c. goodd. well

20. i’ll tell him about it when he back tomorrow.

a. comes b. come c. will come d. is coming

21. basketball is a kind of __sport. that means you cannot play it by yourself.

a. teamb. popular c. funny d. boring

22. -oh, no! i left my books in the classroom. but the door and the windows __

-- that’s too bad.

a. are open b. are closed c. are newd. are broken

23. –what does tim do?

--i’m not sure. but i saw him __books in xinhua book store.

a. buysb. to buyc. h**e sold d. selling

24. –when will the __le**e?

at 1:30. i h**e to get to the station a little earlier.

a. train b. planec. auntd. sister

25. -dad, i’m hungry. may i h**e something to eat?

of course. i __some bread from the supermarket this morning.

a. am buying b. to buy c. boughtd. will buy

26you got to the cinema on time, you wouldn’t miss the funny beginning.


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