
发布 2024-02-01 02:25:05 阅读 5638

( )16. a:look at my toy bird. b

a. it’s a bird. b. how lovely!

) 17. aare you? b: i’m five.

a. how old b. what about

) 18. a: mum, this is my friend, john. b

a. nice to meet you, john. b. goodbye, john.

) 19your cake is on the desk.

a. look at b. look

) 20. a. ispencil in the desk? b: yes, it is.

a. youb. your


) 21.你想说这不是你的钢笔,可以说:

a. this isn’t my ruler. b. this isn’t my pen.


a. what are thoseb. what are these?


a.what time is it, please? b. how old are you?


a. sit down, please. b. stand up ,please .


a. this is for you. b. look at me.


a.welcome to my home. b. you’re right.


a. tom, you’re right. b. tom, you’re out.


a.where’s your rubber? b. where’s my rubber?


a.don’t run. b. don’t talk.


a.good morning, miss li. b. i’m sorry, miss li.


tim: where’s my cap? where’s my cap?

mike: don’t shout,tim.

tim: i can’t find(找到) my cap.

mike: is it behind the door? close the door,please.

tim: no,it’s not here.

mike: open your big english book. is it in the book?

tim: no, it’s not here.

mike: oh , no. touch(触摸) your head (头).

tim: oh ,i’m sorry , mike. my cap is on my head .

) can’t find his

a . cup b. cat c. cap

) capbehind the door .

a. is b . isn’t c . are

) this cap in the book?

a. yes ,it is . b . no ,it is . c . no ,it isn’t .

)34your head .”mike said.

a . eat b. shout c. touch

)35 .tim found(找到) his cap at last.(最后)

a . on his head b . in the book . c . behind the door


) 36. look at my jacketa. it’s yellow.

) 37. what colour is itb. how nice.

) 38. how old are youc. i’m ten.

) 39. this is for youa. it’s behind the chair.

) 40. what’s thisb. thank you.

) 41. where’s bobbyc. it’s a toy car .


42. for it’s time breakfast.

43. don’t again late be.

44. time it is what

45. now in tree it’s the

46. old you are how


a. it’s a lunch bag.

b. miss li, is this your lunch bag?

c. look, what’s that on the desk?

d. no, it isn’t. perhaps(或许) it’s miss li’s.

e. su hai, is that your lunch bag?

f. yes, it is. thank you.


黄花塘中心小学三年级2班英语教学计划。2013 2014学年度第二学期 一 学情分析 本册共有8个单元和2个,每个单元有,教学时可不必拘泥于教材的编排,可根据班级的具体情况和实际教学课时,将各单元内容重新组合,科学合理的将单词教学,对话操练,复习巩固融为一体。三年级学生学英语已有一学期的,他们对英语...

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