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英语(三年级下册)project 2a magic clock

第2课时。teaching contents教学内容project 2第2课时。

teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标。


2.能听懂、会读、会说5-8单元日常交际用语how old are you? i’m…what timeis it?

it’s … it’s time for …what are these/those? they are … are these/those …?yes, they are.

no, they are …who’s he/she? who’s that…?he’s/she’s…等。


focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重点和难点能在老师的帮助下运用5-8单元重点句型进行综合运用和交流。

teaching procedures教学过程step 1 pre-magic task

1. sing a song:how old are you?2. lead-in and review

1) t: i know your age, because in our last lesson, you had your self-introduction. do

you want to know about me? do you h**e any questions about me?(学生向教师提问)(2)教师自我介绍。

culture tip: it’s impolite to ask awoman“how old are you”.


3)t:liu qian isgood atplaying magic. doyou like magic? todaylet’s play the

game: magic eggs.



step 2 while-magic task

1. the first magic egg: a magic farm(1) welcome to the magic farm.

2) look at the pictures and say the tip: these/thosethis/these(3) sing a song.

学生听完后尝试填词编新歌。)(4) welcome to the fruit zone.(学生分组学新词。)(5) talk about f**orite fruit.

learning tip: the rules of the plural forms.

设计意图:通过a magic farm以游戏歌曲等形式复习了农场动物类和水果类相关交际用语和词汇,适当拓展,渗透学习策略,并创设真实情境让学生运用交际语言。】

2. the second magic egg: magic numbers

t: well done, class. let’s h**e the second magic egg.

what is it? magic numbers.(1) task 1:

play a game about numbers.(2) task 2: talk about the time.



the third magic egg: a magic clock

t:excellent, boys and girls. let’s h**e the final egg. what is it? a magic clock.


1) introduce how to make a clock.

2) the teacher gives a model how to play with this magic clock, and then studentswork in pairs.

设计意图:依托a magic clock,复习了5-8单元相关交际用语和词汇,让学生在玩中学,学中玩。】

step 3 after-magic taskticking time

1) i know more animals and fruits and talk about them.(2) i know some culture and learning tips.

3) i can play with my magic clock.

设计意图:ticking time根据本节课的目标设定,从语言知识、技能、情感态度、文化等方面,由学生自评的方式评价。以星星予以鼓励作为积极的评价,帮助学生树立学习英语的自信心和成就感。


try to play this game with your family or friends.

teaching aids教学准备(含板书设计)


板书设计:project 2a magic clock

what time is it?it’s ..open the window/door, please.


what is this/that?it’s a/an ..what are these/ those?they’re …

are these/those …?yes, .no, .学生资源)

说课。本单元的主要是复习单元,主要复习5-8单元的主要句型和单词,句型包括how old are you? what time is it?

what are these/those? are these/those…单词包括数字、水果、动物、人物。本单元的主要话题是“a magic clock”,围绕“a magicclock”复习5-8单元的语言知识,并学会制作魔法钟,最终使用魔法钟做游戏灵活运用语言进行综合表达。






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